you want sum fuck?✨

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"hey miles~"  the bluenette grinned leaning back in his chair, lustfully looking at the cat boy "yeah? Need something bups?"he smirked "I'm in the mood for something to eat~" milo smiled softly "way to you wanna eat? I would like something sweet!"Tomura smirked "me too~  s-specifically something wet~" he was getting more flustered as he was getting closer to the point "hm? Like a drink? Maybe ice cream?"
"Maybe~" he got up sauntering to the confused boy "hmm!" He bashfully smiled reaching his arms out for a hug doing grabby hands, "bupbup bupbup bupbup bupbup!" He moved side to side Tomura sighed "what~" he chuckled getting on the bed crawling (ew I don't like that word but it's the only one that explains the acTION I hate this :) )  kissing the blonde deeply "hehehe" miles giggled and blushed, smiling at the taller "wanna see something~" the shorter nodded. Tomura stuck his tounge out slightly showing his newer piercing (I'm going to write on why and how he has one 🖐️ we definitely got them together) "babe if you wanted to fuck you could've just asked~" he smirked kissing the boy again, this time alot longer "well then~ wanna fuck?" Miles blushed "s-sure~"

205 words

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