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It was snowing, it never snows where we live.You see we had to go into hiding, I had an idea of where the rest of the league is... I already had a specific apartment for when we had too, and the thing is... There had to be another member with us. I got to stay with Tomura, I sat out in the living room watching the snow fall listening to Christmas music bundled up in some blankets (this is the set up for the room

I drew that (: ), the TV playing old American movies, when I heard slow quite foot steps, I looked over to the hallway and saw Tomura stretching his shirt slightly lifted "that was so fUcking cute" I almost said out loud "Tomura, look it's snowing...

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I drew that (: )
, the TV playing old American movies, when I heard slow quite foot steps, I looked over to the hallway and saw Tomura stretching his shirt slightly lifted "that was so fUcking cute" I almost said out loud "Tomura, look it's snowing" I said softly, he yawned "yeah, I guess it is" he had clearly just woke up, his voice was deeper and a lot less raspy more soft, he walked into the kitchen I looked back outside just watching the snow float down the skyline, it was very tempting to just go cat mode and fall asleep but I didn't, I don't really like being in cat mode that much, I heard the high pitch scream of the tea kettle, Tomura poked his head out "do you also want some hot chocolate?" I've got to admit he has gone more soft when he is cared for and given attention all the time "sure" I smiled "don't forget the marshmallows!" His skin has also been getting a little bit better, I've gotten his proper medicine for it and he puts it on, but I have to remind him ALL THE TIME he is very forgetful to his own hygiene, but I luv himm, but I wouldn't say we're dating but we're also not, not dating, very complicated to say the least. Tomura walked back in with a cup and sat down on the couch "where's my hot chocolate?" I pouted he smirked "I asked if you wanted some, I never said I was going to make you some" he sipped on his cocoa and started watching TV "ugh, rude" I stood up "your cups is on the counter"he said as I walked past him I grabbed my mug and sat back down "you could have at least got marshmallows"
"We don't have any"
"Hmpf, fine" I scooched closer to him "luv you bubbas"
"We aren't dating"
"Only because your to scared to"
"Im Not scared too, it's just that were in the league, and I don't think that would work out if one of us got caught"
"Hmmm, friends with benefits?"
"Sure, you could call it that"
"Good" I kissed his cheek, he turned red "aww your all flustered~"
"Shut up" he continued to sip his cocoa, I grabbed a blanket and covered us both up to the waist, and cuddled into his side, he started... Petting me, I've gotten used to it, and.... Maybe I like it BUT  I don't like the purring aspect... And that's what happened, I started purring, damn cat instincts, I closed my eyes and pushed my head into his touch "aww so cute~" he teased  "s-shut it" he finished his cocoa, I set mine down and lifted the blanket higher up covering up to my shoulders and to Tomuras waist still, I was carful to not touch anything... Or anyone (we're at the corner of the couch closest to the wall and window, Tomura in the actual corner and I'm to the right of him, with one of those thick hand knitted wool blanket, it's gray, idk I just want as much detail as necessary) so warm, I could just fall asleep..
Tomura POV
Milo fell asleep on me... Ok he looks fuckin adorable, right now is the best thing ever, I changed the channel to the Christmas baking show, the faint wispers of 'walking in a winter wonderland' playing in the background, the smell of failed cinnamon rolls and tree, the Christmas smell, I personally don't care for Christmas or any holiday really,I like Halloween, I get to scare small children, that's fun. I yawned "I like just woke up I don't need more sleep" I yawned again   "ok may-be I do" I fell asleep
8 AM
"Bubbas... Wake up... Bubba... WAKE UP" Milo was poking my cheek "h-uh? What?"
"What do you want for breakfast?"... He woke me up... For BREAKFAST "uh, I don't know, food?"
"Be specific!"
"I don't know... French toast?"
"OoO, okay!" He jumped off the couch and walked into the kitchen I yawned and stretched and got up, "the couch isn't comfortable to sleep on" and went to the bathroom
I was making the french toast when Tomura walked behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder... HOW IS HE SO CUTE?!?!?! He was groggy and still sleepy "bubbas, don't fall asleep again" he said something but it was very muffled "what?" He lifted his head "1, you-re short and 2 I want to fall back asl-eep" he put his head back down "ugh!, Im not short, and you need to eat" he shook his head No "I will kick you"
"Hmpf, fine" he un-rapped his arms and draged his feet to the couch and started watching what ever was on, it's hard to believe he is the leader of a villian organization and has killed multiple people, I finished making breakfast "Bubbas, breakfast is ready"
"Mmmm" I plated it up and brought it out . we watched  cheesy Christmas movies and cuddled úwù best day e v e r 💕

957 words
1 don't judge me and calling Tomura bubbas, I was talking about him... Well more like pretend to talk to him... And bubbas just slipped out and it stuck and 2 this was one of my favorites to write  :)

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