19. Sometimes Sorry Isn't Good Enough

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Mandy's POV

"It was mistake?" He said, I could easily tell he was broken inside.

I tried to get close to him, but he backed away. "It didn't mean anything."

He shook his head. "Well that's even worse. Does it ever mean anything to you?"

"Yes! With you. I'm sorry." I cried. I wanted him so badly to believe me, I didn't want to lose him over something like this, and I didn't quite understand why I could never let him go.

"No Mandy. Don't say that. All that matters to you is having every guy pine for you. You just love being the center of attention. Don't you? I mean me, Brian, Tal, even Matt and I guess I feel the worst for him because you act like you don't see how he feels about you and play along, flirt a little, give him hope, all while screwing Brian and coming home to me, pretending that I am the only one in your life, but you know what I'm done. Do whatever the fuck you want. Just don't look for me anymore when Brian goes back to Michelle and Matt finally gets tired of your ass." He fumed.

I let the tears fall freely, I couldn't really argue with him, I knew that deep down what he said was true. "Carey, please, what can I say? What can I do? I don't want to lose you."

"Was there anything that Brian could say to you when he cheated on you that made you feel better?" He asked.

I shook my head. "No. But Care-"

He cut me off. "No Mandy, it's fine. I'm just glad that I'll never have to see you again."

He walked out the door, slamming it behind him and I fell to the ground, crying, completely broken, not because of what he said, but because I had hurt him and lost him, someone that had always been a part of my life before Brian, before the band and it hurt, it hurt to lose that part of me. He was the last thing I had that tied me to Maryland and the life I led before California and I had just lost all of it over someone who truly didn't matter and wasn't worth it.

Leana walked in and sat with me. "I heard Carey leave. What happened?"

"I thought you all left?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Only Jimmy, Joel, and Billy left. Jimmy specifically asked me not to leave you here alone."

I nodded and cried on her.

"Mands, what happened?"

I began to explain everything to her and she just watched me sympathetically, not speaking a word, I guess there wasn't really anything anyone could say in this situation, yes Carey had said some horrible things to me, but I deserved every single word.

After a while, I ended up calming down enough to go back downstairs, it looked like almost everyone was still here, Matt immediately walked up to me.

"Where have you been?" He questioned.

I shook my head. "Can we talk about it later?"

He nodded and sat with me by the fire.

A few minutes later Jessica walked up to us.

"Hey, I'm gonna take off, but can we talk for a minute?" She asked.

I nodded. "Sure, I'll walk you out."

We got to the front door and I smiled. "It was nice seeing you, under different circumstances. Why do you have to head out so soon?"

"I have to catch my flight back to Florida. It was nice seeing you too."

"What did you want to talk about?" I inquired.

She stayed quiet for a minute.

"You know Mandy, I am happy. I get what happened between all of us and I am at peace with it, but I want to kick your ass so bad right now. It's killing me."

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