52. I Ain't Ready to Quit

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Benji's POV

The Next Morning

I walked into Joel's house around 6am, after getting a cryptic text message from him. His suitcases were sitting at the bottom of the stairs and so were Robin's.

"What the hell?" I looked around the dark house and only the upstairs hall light was on so I made my way up.

He was walking into Robin's room.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

"I'm going to see Mandy." He answered.

"When are you coming back? You know we have a lot of shit going on right now, you can't just take off." I explained.

He shook his head. "What I have to do is more important and you know that."

"What does Julia have to say about this?" I asked.

He rolled his eyes. "Who the hell cares? She's out of my life."

"Please tell me you didn't break up with her because of Ali?" I questioned.

He nodded.

"Jo. Come on now. This isn't healthy."

He shook his head. "Don't take it that way. I didn't end things with her because I am still holding onto Alisha, I did because if she can't respect that there are certain things that cannot change and lines that can't be crossed then she can't be here. Alisha's memory has to be respected for Robin, for Mandy, and for me. She was my wife, my first love, and the mother of my child. That's never going to change."

"What exactly happened?" I asked.

He shook his head. "I'm not going to talk about this. Now are you going to be able to drive us to the airport or not?"

He nodded and we headed out, suitcases in his hands, and Robin in my arms.

"I can't believe you won't even tell me where Mands is." He said, halfway into the drive.

"She made me promise not to tell anyone. She's not ready to be around everyone. We have to respect that." I replied.

Mandy's POV

I was busy getting the house ready for Robin's arrival. I couldn't wait to have her here with me. I missed her so much. I'm glad Joel wanted to spend these days here, I knew it was going to be hard on all of us and being together is what we all needed.

My phone started ringing for the hundredth time today.

Carey looked down from the ladder where he was hanging a chandelier. "You know you should answer or change your number."

"I don't know want to talk to him after what he said to me." I said.

Carey laughed.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"Dude must have no shame. I mean he drove you out of California and he thinks he can fix it over the phone. Dumbass."

I didn't respond.

Matt had to be in the past. I couldn't forgive him for what he said to me and truthfully he wasn't even worth me trying. I was ready to build a life here and the people that loved me were more than welcome to come see when it was the right time.

Benji's POV

After dropping Joel off at the airport I went home to fill in Alex. I walked in to see Tal and Spencer.

"Well I just dropped Joel and Robin at the airport."

Tal's head snapped up. "He knows where Mands is too?!"

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