64. Love Runs

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Mandy's POV

I heard someone loudly clear their throat behind me as I hung up the phone, but I was too scared to turn around and look. If the wrong person was standing there all of this would be over. The calmness that I had having my son safe and sound without anyone to bother us was the only thing that kept me going.

The door shut quickly and I still stood frozen, not knowing what to do.

"You know you should be careful talking openly about the baby like that." I let out a sigh of relief when I heard Linzi's voice.

"You scared the shit out of me!" I yelled.

She laughed. "Well you should watch what you say. That could've been Brian or Matt."

I rolled my eyes. "It's neither of their business anyway."

She sighed. "You know he's going to find out one day, he is the dad."

I started to walk out of the room, but she stopped me.

"Mandy, you can't keep living like this. You have a 2 month old son, I know and so do Joel and Gena, what's the big deal?" 

I sighed and paced around the room. "The big deal is that I don't want him to think he has any rights. He lost them a long time ago, he has a kid with her now, I don't need him dictating my parenting decisions." I explained.

She shook her head. "It doesn't matter that he has another kid, he has always loved you and your son deserves to know his father. He's already missed the most important parts of the baby's life, you're being selfish."

I tried to change the subject, but of course she wouldn't let me. Linzi, Joel, Billy, and Gena were the only people that knew about my son and for now I wanted it to stay that way.

The next morning...

My bags were packed and waiting by the door. I had called an Uber early, to avoid waking anyone up. I was already in the car when Joel was walking outside with Cash Dogg, he gave me a sad smile and waved. He was the most supportive person in my life, he had been since Alisha left and I couldn't thank him enough for it.

Brian's POV

"What do you mean she's gone?" I questioned Joel.

He took a breath. "You are never going to let her live in peace, are you?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

He continued to make breakfast. "Brian, you and Matt have made her life a living hell, shit you guys are the reason she moved across the country away from everyone. You have a kid and so does Matt, you're both in relationships, yet every damn time she's home you guys make it a point to confuse her and ruin the short time that she's here with your bullshit."

"I'm not trying to ruin her life, Joel. You know that she is the only person that I have ever truly loved. Shit, I wanted to marry that girl."

He rolled his eyes, "You decided you wanted to marry her after she was already married, hence the ruining her life part."

I decided against arguing with him, there was no point to it, he was always right, Alisha was the same way, which made me wonder how their arguments went.

Mandy's POV

After what seemed like the longest flight of my life, I was finally home and couldn't wait to see my baby boy! I practically ran inside and Rhemy was playing with Nik on the ground.

She quickly picked him up and handed him to me. "He missed his momma."

I smiled and snuggled him. "I can't believe I made it three days without seeing him."

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