53. Don't blame me love made me crazy...

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Mandy's POV

God. Why me?! I wasn't ready to see him. I knew it was going to happen sooner rather than later. Come on Mandy, grow a pair, you can face him.

I took a deep breath and walked out to the front.

He froze when he saw me, almost like he saw a ghost.

"Looking to get new ink?" I asked. Acting like this wasn't the most awkward moment in my life.

He smiled. "I guess I can since I'm here."

I gestured for him to follow me back to my office. We walked in and both took a seat.

"What are you looking to get?" I asked.

He chuckled. "You know that's not why I'm here."

I looked down.

"Your hair is different." He stated.

I nodded. "I needed a change."

"So it's been 6 months..." He was waiting for me to speak, but I chose not to, I wanted to know what he was doing here first.

"Am I going to get more than five words out of you?" He questioned.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

He smirked. "I guess not."


"You have to know why I'm here."

I stood up and began to look through our tattoo albums. "Don't do that."

He walked over to me and leaned against my desk, my back now to him, he turned me to him. "Do what?"

His lips were close to mine, it took everything in me to not kiss me that instant.

I pushed him away and walked back out to the front.

"Hey Rhem, Brian is looking to get something, can you help him out I'm gonna go meet Carey for lunch." She furrowed her eyebrows, but quickly hid the reaction when Brian was in her view. She knew that Carey was in Vegas and given my history with Brian I just needed some space.

"It was nice to see you, Bri." I said before walking out the door.

I called the one person I never wanted to speak to again, but he owed me an explanation.

"Hello?" He answered after the third ring.

"Why?" I questioned.

He chuckled. "I knew the dumbass would go straight to you."

I groaned. "This isn't funny, Matt. This just complicates everything. Why would you tell him where I am?!"

He sighed. "I know he still loves you and putting all of our history aside, you both deserve to be happy. He's been a wreck since you've been gone."

"I wish for once someone would think about me first! Him being here is going to ruin everything!"

"Why? There's no way you got back with Carey...did you?" He questioned.

I groaned. "You're kidding right?"

He stayed quiet. "Matt, please, I don't want either of you here to mess with my head. Figure out a way to get him home because I'm happy. Let me be happy."

I hung up the phone and decided to go home. I text Rhemy to let her know I was taking the rest of the day off.

I called Jessica to come over for lunch. We had hung out a few times since I moved here and she was actually fun to be around and I knew she would understand what I was going through when it came to Brian.

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