16. Even If I Wanted To.

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Spencer's POV

I sat on the edge of my bed waiting for Tal to speak up. We had been staring at each other for over 10 minutes now and he wouldn't tell me why he had called me in here.

"Tal, you are driving me crazy, what's going on?" I finally decided to break the silence.

"I think we should move in together." He blurted out.

I stayed silent.

He watched me carefully.


"Yeah?" He said hopeful.

"We can't move in together. I have a son!"

He smirked. "Whoa! You have a son?! When the hell did that happen?" He asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and smacked his arm. "I am not playing around."

He nodded. "Okay. Let me just ask you one thing."

I waited for him to continue.

"Who wins between Green Arrow and Slade Wilson in a fight?"

I shook my head. "I don't know Tal."

He smiled. "Well I do, and so does Nathan. I know that and I also know that Green Arrow won't ask the Justice League for help because he is stubborn and believes he can win every battle alone and you've been at this conversation for thirty seconds and you're already bored."

I sighed and he kneeled down in front of me.

"Spencer, I like Nathan, we get along, and I think it would be a good idea if we lived together, but I get it okay. Whenever you are ready."

I decided to give in, I looked into Tal's eyes and realized I had this amazing guy and I wasn't about to let him go over my insecurities.


He smiled. "Okay?"

I nodded and he picked me up and spun me around. "I love you!" He yelled.

I laughed. "I love you too."

Mandy's POV

I woke up and walked outside to let in Cash Dogg scratching at the door, when I noticed my yard was completely trashed.

I quickly ran over to Joel's house and he was sitting at the table with a magazine and his cup of coffee.

"Are Jimmy, Tal, or Benji here?!" I asked angrily.

He looked up and gestured around him. "Well since I am sitting here relaxing, what do you think?"

I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "What's going on?"

I pointed to the door. "Why don't you go see for yourself?"

We walked outside and he immediately burst out laughing.

"Oh you are going to kill them aren't you?"

I nodded and walked back over to my house.

Carey had just pulled up and was taking the whole scene in.

He laughed. "Must've been some party."

"This is not funny. Were you with them when this happened?" I snapped.

He put up his hands defensively. "Of course not. I went back to the hotel around midnight. They were still at Drai's. How do you know who did this?" He asked while bunching up some of the toilet paper they had thrown over the bushes.

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