54. ...if it doesn't you ain't doing it right.

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Mandy's POV

"What am I supposed to do with that Mandy?"

I shook my head. "I don't know, Brian. I don't know what I'm even doing here. When I left Matt, I just assumed that I would never step foot in California again, but then you showed up at the shop and everything just got turned around. I thought that coming here would be easy and I could tell you that I loved you and it would be this magical reunion where we ended up together riding off into the sunset, I just for once wanted it to be easy. I wanted things to work out in my favor without the drama and without all of the suffering, I've been through enough, and before you say anything I know that I caused some of the issues I have had but come on Brian. Isn't it time for a fresh start?"

He sighed and gestured for us to sit down. "I know now that me showing up in Orlando the way that I did was a mistake. I should've never ambushed you like that, especially since I hadn't resolved things here with Michelle. When it comes to you I just don't think, I never have, but if we're going to make this work this time, if we're going to be adults and be in a real relationship we must consider all the facts and I know I'm here with Michelle, but if I'm being honest with you it's because we've become friends again. We are being civil, and my son is the priority. We aren't together, we haven't been for a couple months now."

I stayed silent and he continued.

"I love you, you know that and I want to make sure that this is done correctly this time. We should just enjoy tonight with everyone and maybe have dinner tomorrow and talk about everything?" He suggested.

I couldn't believe this, I put everything out there and Brian was the mature one in all of this. It was a huge change compared to what happened in Florida a few weeks ago. The way he was now, the way he talked and looked at me made me fall even more in love with him, but in the back of my mind I couldn't help but have a little bit of doubt. We had made so many mistakes and hurt so many people in the last few years was it truly worth it.

He quickly realized that I was overthinking the entire situation.

"Look lets just go inside and enjoy the night and we will figure out the rest tomorrow, ok? Don't over think things now."

I agreed and we went inside.

Joel's POV

I sat with Benji and Zacky just talking about bullshit when the question arose.

"So were you going to tell anyone about what really happened with Julia?" Zacky asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "There's not much to say, I simply can't be with someone who isn't willing to respect Alisha's memory."

"Wait—what?" Mandy had walked in in that moment.

I sighed and gestured for her to follow me upstairs. The only place we ever really talked about Alisha was in the studio. It was hard for us to even mention her to each other, but when it was something important we would come here and leave everything here.

"Who were you talking about?" She asked as soon as the door closed behind me.

"Julia." I answered simply.

She furrowed her brows. "What happened?"

"The day I decided to take Robin to Florida to see you and spend Alisha's birthday over there was the day that Julia and I ended things. I was having a hard time as it was because that date was approaching and when I got the tour info we were playing shows straight through her birthday and I was upset because I had told Josh to make sure we weren't. In that moment Julia and I were talking and things escalated. Benj came in and told me that it was a misprint and we were off, but Julia got upset because I was acting like this over Alisha, I was being an ass to her and she just doesn't understand that Alisha was the love of my life and Robin's mother, when it comes to her I just—well you know."

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