22. She cried when I left her, now I cry to forget her.

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Mandy’s POV

I ran up to my room and text Leana and Linzi to meet me up here. Soon they were sitting at the edge of my bed, panicking, because I couldn’t find the words to explain what had just happened between me and Matt.

“Mands? What’s going on? You’re scaring us.” Leana said.

“Should I call Matt?” Linzi added.

I shook my head.

“Well what is it?” Linzi questioned.

“Matt kissed me.”

They both squealed.

“Oh my God this is amazing!” Linzi gushed.

“Are you guys serious?” I asked.

They both nodded. “You know how long we have been waiting for this to happen.”

I sighed. “This can’t happen, he is Brian’s best friend. He’s my best friend.”

Linzi smiled, sympathetically. “Who cares? Honestly. Brian has moved on with his life, I think it’s about time you do too.”

I rolled my eyes, the thought of him being with Michelle completely repulsed me.

“Mandy, I don’t know how you were able to forgive Brian for everything he has done to you. He cheated on you so many times with Michelle and here you are pining for him when there is this great guy who really does love you standing right in front of you.” Leana said.

“I love Matt, I do, but he is married to one of our closest friends and I don’t think that I can ever see him like that Lee. He has always been like a brother to me.” I responded.

Linzi smiled. “Like being the operative word.”

I shook my head. “No.”

“Come on Mands. Val hasn’t been around for a while. She drifted off as soon as her and Matt started having problems, she moved away. Why are you always thinking of other people first? What about your happiness?” Leana asked.

“My happiness is Brian. He always has been. Always will be.” I stated.

Matt’s POV

I walked out front and leaned against the wall. “God Matt, you’re so fucking stupid.” I said to myself.

“Yes you are, but not about this.” Jimmy said walking around the corner and standing in front of me. “How did it go?” He asked.

I groaned and stared at the ground. “That bad?”


“Well what did you say?”

“I told her I was in love with her and then I kissed her.”

He laughed. “Bold choice.”

I pushed him and started walking down the road. “It’s not funny, Jimmy. I really thought that she was going to tell me that she felt the same way. I mean I have been there for her through everything, not Brian, not Carey, and yet I still get the short end of the stick.”

Jimmy patted me on the back. “She will come around Shads, don’t doubt that. I know that she loves you. She just hasn’t realized it yet.”

Joel’s POV

I sat around the fire playing my guitar with Benji. All the kids were already asleep, by the time Sarah got here with them. I wanted to spend this day alone, but the girls had all decided that that was the worst idea ever.

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