57. Her Lipstick on the Rim of my Beer

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Tal's POV

We were all hanging out at the Maryland house, things had been so much easier on all of us since we decided to get over the bullshit. I wanted to believe that things were finally settling down. Mandy and Brian weren't technically together, but we all knew that was where they were going to end up eventually. They just had to admit that to themselves.

I walked downstairs to find Alisha cooking away.

"Hey, you need any help?" I offered.

She smiled. "You know, you are the only one that ever offers to help me in here?"

Jimmy peaked over the couch. "Hey! I offer..sometimes."

She laughed. "Yes, Jimbo, but the last time I let you in here you almost burned my newly decorated kitchen down."

He shrugged his shoulders and went back to playing the Xbox with Matt.

Alisha went over to the fridge and handed me a beer. "I find it weird that you're not out back in the pool with everyone?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I would be, but things are...nevermind."

"What? You know you can tell me anything." She spoke sincerely.

"I know, but this is different." I couldn't even admit this to myself, how was I going to tell Alisha.


"It's just you know when you and Joel got together it was simple because there were no prior relationships that would potentially cause you to lose your best friend."

She furrowed her brows. "I don't think I'm following."

"I have feelings for someone that I know I shouldn't, but she's perfect." I spoke quietly, because the last thing I needed was Jimmy on my case.

"Is that someone here right now?" She questioned.

Just as I was about to answer her the sliding door opened and in walked Mandy.

She walked over to me and grabbed my beer out of my hand and took a drink.

I could feel Alisha watching my every move, I tried as hard as I could to not let her see that the person I had developed feelings for was her sister, but it was killing me inside to be this close to Mandy and not be able to do anything.

Mandy wasn't meant for me, her and Brian were the ones that were meant to be, and I couldn't get in the way of that. It wasn't right.

She reached over and grabbed a cucumber off of the cutting board, where Alisha was preparing a salad. Alisha quickly smacked her hand away.

"Every time!" She exclaimed. "Tal, get her out of here before I start making the brownies, because the mix won't make it into the oven with her in here."

Mandy started laughing and Alisha rolled her eyes. "You know you are teaching your niece bad habits."

"Hey, if that's the worst habit that she picks up from me, she'll be just fine." Mandy smirked and put her arm around my shoulders, leading me to the backyard.

We walked outside and I watched as she went to play with Robin, imagining that one day that could be her with our daughter.

A few hours later.

Everyone had gone home and Alisha was upstairs with Joel putting Robin to sleep, I had decided to stay here instead of driving back to Billy's.

I went upstairs to shower and when I came back down Mandy was curled up on the recliner watching a movie.

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