66. She's just going through the motions from what's left of her devotion.

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Mandy's POV

"Joel!! What the fuck?!" I screamed over the phone.

He kept apologizing, but stood by his decision.

"It was not your place to say anything!"

He sighed. "He needed to know, Mands. You know that."

18 hours earlier-

Matt's POV

"What?" I stood there, speechless.

Joel paced around the room. "I'm sorry I kept it a secret for so long. I know that wasn't fair to you, but since Ali's been gone, I've taken the role of Mandy's protector and she didn't want you to know."

I ran my hand over my face, still not able to process what Joel was saying to me.

I had a son, with Mandy.

I looked down at my newborn son, with Val and I didn't know what to do.

"I think she will understand if you go." Joel said referring to Val.

Honestly, in that moment I didn't care if she understood or not. I needed to talk to Mandy. I kissed my son on his forehead and grabbed my jacket.

"Text me all her info and do not tell her I'm coming. If she knows she will run." I spoke sternly.

I had an overnight bag for the hospital stay with Val, so I drove straight to the airport and text Johnny to come pick up my car from the airport.

I was able to get a ticket for the next flight to Orlando in 2 hours. I patiently waited for the time to pass.

When I was finally on the plane, I sighed in relief, only 5 hours until Orlando.

The plane landed and I tried to rush off, but it seemed like today everyone was moving slower than usual.

When the path was finally clear I ran to rent a car. When they finally handed me the keys I made my way to Mandy's house.

45 minutes later I was standing at her doorstep, afraid. Scared to death. I didn't know what was waiting for me behind that door.

I was about to knock when the door swung open It was Rhemy. Her eyes widened. She yelled for Mandy, but I pushed past her.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Kells was sitting in the living room with a baby in his arms. Mandy was sitting next to him.

She turned white, when she realized I was standing in her living room.

"Matt... what are you—" She tried to stammer out, but I cut her off.

"What's his name?" I asked.

She turned to Kells and took the baby. "Colson, you should go."

He looked unsure. "Are you sure?"

"She's sure." I spoke angrily.

She nodded and he grabbed his bag, Rhemy opened the door for him.

"Ill leave you two alone." She grabbed her purse by the door and left.

"What's his name?" I asked again.

"Matt, I can explain." She pleaded.

I clenched my fists. "God damn it Mandy! Answer the fucking question!" I yelled.

Just then the baby started crying. Her face changed from a guilty look to an angry one. Her eyes could burn a hole through me.

This was a Mandy I didn't know.

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