55. Tonight Looks Good on You

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Mandy's POV

Today was my dinner with Brian. I was standing in front of the mirror as nervous as I was for our first date, actually I think I was a little ore nervous now. I looked at my ripped jeans and cut up Johnny Cash tee lying on the bed and turned away. I was currently in a short black flowy dress and my high heel booties with laces. It was as close to me as the girls would let me dress, and I did like the look I just wasn't comfortable. My hair was in pin up curls and my make up was simple, but of course I had my sharp winged liner and a red lip as bright as my hair.

I heard the door bell and walked downstairs to see Matt.

"Wow. You look beautiful." He said.

I took a breath. "What are you doing here?" I need to remember to change the security code.

"I thought we should talk."

I was about to speak but Brian walked in.

I immediately took his hand before he could say anything.

I turned to Matt. "I have a more important conversation to have, lock up when you leave."

I led Brian out the door and we got in my truck.

"So are you going to explain that?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know what's up with him. He wasn't even here two minutes before you showed up, he wanted to talk, but I think we've said our peace."

He didn't ask any further questions and I was thankful for that. I wanted us to work this time and I knew the only way that was going to happen was if we trusted each other.

We got to a fancy restaurant I had never been to. I looked at Brian as we pulled up to the valet.

"Are you sure they're going to let us in here?"

He laughed and got out of the truck. He walked around to open my door for me. He helped me out of the truck, he lifted me up and as soon as my feet touch the ground I couldn't help but kiss him. It felt just as magical as the first time. We were interrupted by the valet clearing his throat.

I blushed and handed him the keys.

"I didn't get a chance to tell you earlier, but you look stunning." He said with a smile.

"You don't look so bad yourself." He laced my fingers with his and walked up to the host.

"Gates." He spoke and I turned my head away hiding my smile.

We followed them to a table towards the back, I knew Brian had requested it that way, so we could have our privacy.

He pulled my chair out for me and we sat down. "Since when do you reserve your table under Gates?"

He smiled. "Since now. I just thought it would be nostalgic since that's who you met me as."

"What are we doing here, Brian?" I asked.

He took a breath. "I wanted to be alone with you and talk about things. We're not kids anymore Mandy. I can't keep living like this."

"Brian, I want to be with you." I blurted.

"Mands... I want to be with you too, but you disappeared and when I went to look for you, you pushed me away. I don't know how we move forward from that."

"Do you still love me?" I asked.

He put his head down and for a second I panicked. What if Orlando was the last straw for him?

"'Of course, I love you. It's just after leaving you in Orlando I realized it doesn't hurt like it used to."

I stayed quiet.

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