46. Too dumb to give up, too stubborn to change.

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Spencer's POV

Everyone had pretty much cleared out and the only ones left were me, Tal, Mandy and Matt. Billy didn't want any part of this and took Linzi and the kids home.  I was having a really hard time understanding why Tal was acting the way that he was. I wanted to believe that he was just being protective of Val and his friendship with Mandy and Matt, but it seemed like there was a deeper meaning to all of this and it left this weird ache on my heart.

"You guys don't realize that this is going to cause yet another rift in this group, do you? This is our family and you are going to fuck it all up." Tal spat. He couldn't control himself and I knew if I didn't step in this might end a lot worse.

"This is none of your damn business, Tal, I don't see how you don't understand that. We told everyone tonight as a courtesy. You're just pissed that she's not with you." Matt retorted.

"This isn't about my relationship with her! It never has been!" Tal shouted.

I stepped up. "Then what is it? Huh? What is so wrong with them being together if Bri and Val are okay with it?" I questioned him, trying so hard to not let the tears that were threatening to spill out fall.

"Stay out of this Spencer! This was all before you, you don't know anything!" He raised his voice to me and I was taken a back.

Matt stepped forward pulling me protectively by him and Mandy.

"Don't fucking talk to her like that! What the hell is wrong with you tonight?" Matt yelled at Tal.

He shook his head and started to walk away. "I'm fucking done. You guys do whatever the hell you want."

Once he walked out, I turned to Mandy and let my tears fall. She held me and tried her best to console me, as did Matt. I just wasn't sure if after tonight Tal and I would make it.

After I was presentable again I ran upstairs to get Nathan. I was confident that Tal wouldn't go home tonight and Nathan wouldn't have to see him like this.

Joel's POV

I closed my book after running my hand over Alisha's writing once more. I didn't want to go downstairs because I wasn't sure what I was going to be walking in to. I wanted to believe that everyone had worked things out, but I knew that was wishful thinking.

I turned off the recording light and waited to see who would be the first one to come in.

It was Benj.

"You okay?" He asked before joining me on the couch.

I nodded. "I will be. How are things out there?" I was still upset with him and I knew that it was going to be difficult for us to get back to who we used to be, but it was worth the work, we were brothers, we had gotten each other through anything and everything and we would continue to do so.

He shrugged. "I don't know. It's quiet. I left for a bit, Alex asked me to take her and Ben home."

I smiled. "Oh yeah? How did that go?"

His face fell. "Not good. She's never going to forgive me for what I did and she has every right to hate me. She didn't deserve this and neither did my son."

I nodded. "Things are going to take some time. Maybe you and Alex won't get back to what you used to be, but that doesn't mean that you won't be better. No matter what you have a child together and nothing can change that."

I took a breath. "I hope you're right. I don't want to hurt her anymore. I learned my lesson this time."

"I really want to believe you Benj. Trust that I do, but actions speak a hell of a lot louder than words."

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