6. Love, I still believe in you...

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Mandy’s POV

“You said you would be there. Do you remember that?”

He sighed. “Mandy, you were with Brian, honestly what did you expect me to do?”

I got up angrily. “I guess that’s the difference between you and Brian.”

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“When Robin was kidnapped I wasn’t with Brian, I was with Tal and he was still there for me. He comforted me and stood by me through it all and you couldn’t bother to show up to Alisha’s funeral, the one person that was always there for you, the one you called your little sister!”

He grabbed a suitcase from the hall closet and threw it in front of me. “Okay. If Brian is this amazing guy and the one that is always there for you, then what are you doing here?! Go!”

I didn’t say anything. Simply walked to the bedroom and shut the door.

I picked up my phone and went to her contact. The tears filled my eyes and I threw my phone across the room, because the one person I needed, the one person that could talk me through this would never answer.

Carey’s POV

I picked up my phone and called him.

“Hello?” He answered after the second ring.

“I don’t know what kind of hold you have on her, but please let her go, you’re only making her life more difficult.”

He laughed. “Trouble in paradise Carey?”

I ignored him. “I’m being serious Brian, you really hurt her this time and I am desperately trying to put the pieces back together, but I can’t do that if you keep weaseling your way in.”

“In all honesty, I wouldn’t be able to weasel my way in if she didn’t give me room to.”

I rolled my eyes. “Seriously? You cheated on her, you made her life a living hell after that car accident. Haven’t you learned anything?”

“Carey, I am never going to let her go. It’s better for you if you realize that now.”

I hung up the phone and went to talk to Mandy.

I tried to open the door, but of course it was locked.

I knocked a few times and no answer.

I sat against the door. “Mandy, I’m sorry. Please let me in.”

The next thing I know, I’m being shaken awake by Val.

“Carey? What’s going on?” She asked.

I stood up and rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light. “Well I just spent the night apologizing to my bedroom door, so what does that tell you?”

“That you’re an idiot. Now what happened?” She asked.

“We argued, she said Brian was a better boyfriend than me and I threw a suitcase and told her to leave if she wanted to.”

She shook her head. “You are such an ass Carey. You can’t do that. Mandy is still trying to find herself from losing Alisha.”

“I realize that now, it was just in the heat of the moment and now she won’t let me into the room. Val I really can’t live in Brian’s shadow.” I handed her a cup of coffee.

She took a sip. “Just give her time, she was with him for a long time, it isn’t going to be that easy for her to let him go, he is still a big part of her life. I can talk to her if you want.”

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