61. You should've loved me like I knew you could.

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Mandy's POV

Gena left us alone. I found myself opening up to this guy I barely knew. Maybe that's what I needed, an objective point of view. I needed a listening ear that wasn't involved in any of this, that didn't owe anything to any of us.

"So Carey was your first love and the man you married?" He asked.

I nodded.

"And Brian was a crazy stupid love that made your whole world turn?"

I nodded.

"And Tal?" He questioned.

Tal was the one that I always had a difficult time talking about. I could never put our relationship into words. The bond we shared was like no other and he was the only person that gave me one thing I would truly love forever and that was our child that was now in Alisha's arms.

"You and Tal were going to have a baby?" He asked.

I shook my head. I hadn't realized I was talking out loud. I still wasn't completely sure why I was telling Colson all of this. He probably thought I was crazy.

"I've been through a lot since I lost my sister, the cancer, the miscarriage, if I'm being honest my whole world crumbled the moment I lost my baby. Things changed rapidly with Tal. I ran back to Brian which was something I have always been known to do, hence what happened today."

He furrowed his brows and my cheeks flushed. He hadn't heard my announcement earlier and now I didn't want him to know. I didn't want this guy who had shown interest in me to think that I was still in love with Brian, or that I would just give it up to anyone for some comfort.

"Do you want to go for a drive?" He asked.

I smiled softly. "Yes, I would love that."

He grabbed my hand and before walking out he smiled sheepishly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I don't have a car." He spoke embarrassed.

I laughed. "We can take my truck. I may even let you drive."

He smiled and we walked into the garage.

Brian's POV

I watched as Mandy pulled out of her driveway with Kells. Tal walked over to me in that moment.

"What's going on there?" I asked him, pointing to the truck driving off.

"He's intrigued. He'll get over it and she's not going to give him the time of day. Shit she calls him Colson." He laughed.

I shoved him. "Dumbass. Who's the only that calls Benj, Benjamin?"

His eyes grew wide and we both rushed over to Benji and Alex.

"So we have a totally random question with no meaning behind it at all..." Tal spoke suspiciously. I rolled my eyes.

"Why do you call Benji, Benjamin?" I asked.

She smiled and took his hand. "I don't know. I guess its just something special between us. I always heard everyone around him calling him Benj or Benji and I never wanted to do that. It actually started early on in our relationship. Ali was starting to date Joel and when she introduced him to me, he said his name was Benjamin, but his friends called him Benji-he acted like a player as any high school kid would and since then I've always called him Benjamin."

Tal then gave me a look I definitely didn't like.

"Why are you asking?" Benji questioned, but then his eyes grew big and Tal quickly covered his mouth and dragged him away before he could speak. I jumped up saying a quick goodbye to Alex and ran after them.

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