45. Everyone is changing... there's no one left that's real.

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A/N: I know I have been gone for a long time from this story and I am so sorry for that, but I have prewritten for the next 3 weeks and am going to try my best to get this story completed for you all!

Joel's POV

We all sat in silence. No one wanted to break it because once that happened everything was going to go straight to hell.

I wasn't sure what to say anymore, I wanted to channel Alisha because I knew that she would be perfect at this, she was perfect at everything, but she wasn't here and we needed to fix this on our own.

"I guess since no one will break this awkward unbearable silence, I will." I said.

Everyone turned to look at each other.

"What are we going to address first? Benji or Mandy and Matt?" I asked.

"I vote we talk about Mandy and Matt." Benji said raising his hand.

Mandy rolled her eyes but Matt nodded. "I'm cool with that."

"Tal?" Spencer questioned. I knew she was bothered by his reaction to all of this, we all were. None of us thought that he was still holding onto the idea of him and Mandy since he was with Spencer now.

He shook his head. "This is fucking stupid. I don't know why you guys always result to these stupid ass "family" meetings." He put air quotes around 'family' and it made me wonder if we were all even a family anymore, it seemed as if this whole ideal had been destroyed after Alisha left us and we tried to ignore it, tried to rebuild it, but nothing was working. We were all falling apart. We used to breathe as one, but now we were barely surviving.

We were all lost without her.

I looked to the house and saw Julia running after Robin, she picked her up and spun her around in her arms while Robin laughed. I had zoned out from the unnecessary hate that was unfolding in front of me and focused on Robin, her smile, her laugh.

A tear fell behind my glasses as I remembered my life with Alisha.


Joel started playing and Alisha stood in front of the stage, tears threatening to spill out as he began to sing.

"I smile, you laugh, I look away. I sigh, you ask me why, I say, It's okay and I am just feeling down. Your hand on mine I hear the words, If only love had found us first, our lives, they would be different. Ohh."

Joel sang every word with every ounce of love he had in him for her it didn't matter what had happened in the past. He loved her, she loved him.

Alisha stood there now, letting the tears flow freely.

"I'll wait, I'll wait, As long as you want, Where would we be now baby? I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait, I'll wait."

Joel finished the song and jumped off the stage and she felt into his arms.

"Alisha, I love you, Tell me that this is right, don't throw it all away."

"I love you too Joel."

End of Flashback.

"Where would we be now?" I whispered to myself.

Soon I felt everyone's eyes on me.

"Joel?" Mandy called my name concerned.

I looked up and my glasses fell to reveal my tear filled eyes.

She immediately stood up and went over to me, her arm around me. "What's going on?"

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