28. It's Your Love

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Mandy's POV

I walked outside with Matt after talking to Alex about everything that had been going on with Benji lately.

"Do you really think that he is cheating on her again?" He asked as we walked to my car.

I shook my head. "I don't know, but I honestly wouldn't put it past him. You know how he gets when things get too serious."

He nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I just thought that after the baby was born things would be different."

"I had my doubts. I still do. I knew deep down that Benji wasn't cut out for the white picket fence life style." I got in my car and Matt stood in front of the door, blocking me from closing it.

"Why did you call me?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

He smirked. "You know what I mean Mandy. Why?"

I started the car. "I really need to go, Matt."

He didn't budge. "Not until you answer me."

I sighed. "Don't start this please. We were having a decent conversation and now you want to ruin it."

"I'm not ruining anything and you know that. This day isn't real. You're going to drive off right now and act like nothing ever happened. That we didn't talk Alex through her heartache together. That we weren't a team in there, like we used to be." He said resting his hand on my knee.

I pushed his hand off. "Matt. Please. I need to go."

"Do you love me, Mandy?" He questioned.

"Of course I do." I answered simply.

He sighed. "You know what I mean. Are you in love with me?"

I ignored his question. "Where does Casey think you are?"

He rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut. I pulled out of the driveway and headed home. I knew mentioning Casey would make him question everything he was saying to me and he would finally let me leave. When I got to my house Carey was standing outside talking to Benji. Joel pulled into his driveway and walked over grabbing Benji by the arm and pushing him all the way to his house. I ignored the whole situation and walked inside with Carey not far behind.

"So he's back with Liz." Carey said casually.

I nodded. "That's what I heard."

"How's Alex?" He asked.

I shrugged. "As good as anyone can be in this situation. We talked her down."

"We?" He questioned. I decided not to mention Matt. Although Carey had agreed to help me work through whatever was going on with Matt I knew he wouldn't agree with me calling Matt to help me instead of him.

"I want to throw a party tomorrow."

He laughed. "Okay?"

"I'll text everyone. You mind going to the store for me?"

Carey went to the store and I sat alone. Trying to process everything that had happened in the last few hours. I wasn't sure how to handle all of this stress alone anymore. The only two people that I could ever trust with everything were Alisha and Matt, and now I just had to deal with everything on my own. I don't know why a party was the first thing I could think of, but I felt the need to have everyone over and just hang out like we used to. I text everyone the time and place. Except for Matt and Benji, I didn't want any trouble and I specified that to Joel in his invite.

The Next Day.

I pulled up at Jimmy's house to pick up some ice chests, when to my unpleasant surprise, Matt was standing outside helping Jimmy carry them out.

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