27. We are broken.

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Matt's POV

"Honestly Matt, how big of an idiot can you actually be?" Jimmy laughed.

I shook my head. "There's no possible way that she is in love with me and decided to call Carey, you know how things ended with them."

He didn't give in. He spent the next twenty minutes explaining to me that Mandy was in fact in love with me and when I left his house I was convinced.

I pulled up to the hotel I had been staying at with Casey and sat in my car for a little while, trying to decide what I was going to say to her. Was I actually going to let this great girl go for someone who only pushed me away. I finally decided to get out of the car and when I got to the elevator, Val was standing there with her arms crossed.

"Took you long enough." She remarked.

I took a deep breath. Calming myself before talking to her.

"What are you doing here?"

She smiled. "I came to talk."

"About?" I questioned when she didn't continue.

"Well. Mandy." She said simply.

I rolled my eyes. "I really don't want to deal with this right now Valary."

She grabbed my hand and led me to the
bar. "I don't care what you want to deal with. We didn't end well. I get that. But I'm not here for me. I'm here for Mandy. It's not her fault that you fell in love with her. She is still one of my best friends."

I laughed sarcastically. "Yeah. You have a great way of showing your friendship."

She ordered two beers and once mine was in my hand I chugged it. I knew I was in for a long night, given the whole situation.

I ordered another one and she began her what would be an hour long story about true love and how much Mandy loves me. If I didn't know any better I would have guessed that she had gotten together with Jimmy and figured out my love life. Huh. My ex wife and my best friend figuring out who the love of my life is. What are the odds.

"Matthew. Can we please finish discussing this before you get completely wasted?"
She asked annoyed.

We talked until about 2 in the morning and I made my way to my hotel room and Casey was already asleep. I decided to crash on the couch because I didn't want to wake her and have to explain where I was all night.

3 days later.

Alex's POV

I was upstairs sorting all of the laundry when I noticed a wrinkled up paper in Benji's pocket. I opened it up to read:
Liz's new #**********

I wrinkled it back up quickly and put it back in his pocket when I heard someone coming up the stairs.

There was no way that he was cheating on me with her again. Not after everything that we had been through. Almost losing our son, had been the last thing that I could handle and as I tried to shake off the doubt. He came in the room and snatched the pair of jeans away from me.

"Whoa. What's wrong?" I asked.

He sighed. "Sorry. I just wanted to wear these today."

"I haven't washed them Benj." I replied.

He shook his head. "Doesn't matter. I only wore them for a bit the other day." He walked into the bathroom and when I heard the shower turn on I went to Benji's nursery and called Mandy.

At that moment I really missed Alisha and would have given anything to have her at my side, telling me what to do right now.

"Hello?" She answered quietly.

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