4. I Can't Breathe Without You, But I Have To.

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Benji’s POV

I pulled up to Johnny’s and walked inside, Billy was already sitting at the bar. 

“Hey man, what’s going on?” He asked.

“I am having a kid with the girl I love, and she’s not the girl I am in a relationship with.”

He laughed. “Well whose fault is that?”

I groaned. “If I wanted ‘whose fault is that?’ as advice I would have called Deano.”

“Okay. Okay. Easiest thing to do is just end things with Eliza, you never really loved her anyway, you have just been kidding yourself this whole time."

I shook my head. “She’s coming back to LA already, I have to pick her up from the airport in the morning and Alex is expecting me home tonight. And I can’t just break up with Liz right now." 

“And why not?” He asked.

“Her mom died, that’s why she’s coming back here.”

He handed me his shot he had just ordered. “Here, you need this more than I do.”

I denied it. “Nah man, I have to drive." 

“Okay, well what are you gonna do?”

“I’m gonna go home to Alex, I’ll talk it out with her and see how we should handle all of this, besides not talking to Alex about things is what got me into this mess in the first place.” I admitted.

He nodded and I patted him on the back before walking out. I sent Linzi a text to make sure she was the one that picked him up tonight. As I pulled out of the parking lot I honked at Tal who was pulling in with Spencer. I smiled as I realized that I no longer was the guy that would stay out late at night drinking, finding out that I was going to be a dad had completely changed my perspective on things. I guess I now regretted making fun of Joel and Ali for always staying home when we went out. I wondered what she would say to me now.

I walked inside the apartment to see all the lights off. I kicked off my shoes in the hall closet and stood at the doorway of the bedroom door, the moonlight shining into the room, Alex was curled up on my side of the bed. I climbed in bed and wrapped my arms around her.

“Everything okay?” She muttered.

I didn’t want to disrupt the moment, so I lied. “Yeah. Tomorrow is a new day, let’s just get some sleep.”

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the few hours of peace I had left.

Mandy’s POV

I walked back over to my house after my argument with Brian. I sat in his empty studio and cried myself to sleep on the couch. What the hell was I doing to myself?

The Next Morning.

“Mands?” I woke up to Carey’s voice and the light shining into the room from the hall.

I got up quickly. “Yeah?”

“You slept in here?” He asked concerned.

“Yeah. Your snoring was bad last night.” I lied.

“So why didn’t you sleep in the guest room?” He asked. Obviously not convinced with my answer.

“I don’t know. Some of Alisha’s stuff is still in there and I didn’t feel comfortable.” That wasn’t a complete lie, but I honestly slept in the studio because it was Brian’s space and it was the only place I could work through all of my problems with him. 

He nodded, seeming semi-convinced.

I walked in the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee.

“So you know I have no choice but to head back to Arizona today.” He said while getting the eggs out of the fridge.

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