48. The day before you walked away.

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Mandy's POV

"So? What's the plan?" Brian asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know. I was just going to scream at them until they realized they were being fucking idiots."

He laughed. "You know things are a little more complicated than that."

"They're not that complicated." I said.

He sighed. "Can we just speak with the truth here. Val told me about the box and I know that you didn't want any of that getting out and from what Val said Spencer didn't really act on anything because of the sensitivity of the subject."

Now my eyes were about to pop out of my head. "Val went to you about it?"

He nodded. "She figured I was the only one that knew about it considering the timing."

"And you are the only one that knows besides Tal, and now Val and Spencer."

"Why did you play it off? I figured you would've over reacted to the whole situation once you saw them looking through the box." He spoke calmly and softly, considering we were only a few feet away from everyone.

"I was being delusional. I hoped that they wouldn't see it or that Tal had gotten rid of it. I never imagined that they would be so calm about it if it was in there." I answered truthfully.

"Well it was in there and now they both know. So what are you gonna do?" He questioned.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess that maybe we should scratch the whole coming up with a plan and just talk to them. I can't do it without you though."

He agreed to help me talk to Tal and Spencer.

I grabbed Spencer and took her into the guest room and a few minutes later Brian joined us with Tal.

"What's going on?" Spencer asked.

"We all need to talk and I know that you are thinking the worst of Tal right now, Spence, but it is so much more complicated than you can imagine." I said.

"Mands..." Tal stuttered and by the look on his face I knew that he was sure of what the next words to come out of my mouth were going to be.

I grabbed Brian's hand and he held it tight. It was strange, but he was all the support I needed right now.

"When Tal and I were together we didn't think that things were going to move as fast as they did, but I can say that we truly did care about each other, it just wasn't enough, we were never in love. He never looked at me the way that he looks at you, Spence. I know that you and Val were trying not to pry and spare my feelings, I even played dumb, I didn't want to believe that Tal held onto that flimsy piece of paper that had changed my life, but he did and I want to be open and honest with you because you deserve that much." I was holding back the tears that were threatening to spill out.

"You were pregnant." Spencer spoke softly.

One tear escaped.

"I was pregnant."

Brian pulled me closer to him and I felt protected and safe in that moment with him.

"I miscarried the night that Robin was abducted. My stress levels had gone through the roof that night and when I went to the bathroom I was bleeding. I didn't tell anyone. Alisha didn't need the stress and I just handled it on my own. No one ever found out, not even Alisha. The only people that knew were Brian and Tal and that's why Tal and I split so easily, we realized that us being together wasn't what either of us wanted, it was the idea of a family, of stability, but what I wanted was Brian and Tal was waiting for someone else, his other half and Spencer that's you." It was a huge relief to tell the truth, to let someone else in on this secret that I had been holding onto for so long. "When you and Val saw the results and didn't say anything I just thought that I should let go there was no sense in burdening anyone else with this secret, but then Brian told me that Val had questions and I decided that it was best to just tell the truth."

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