12. Even If It Breaks Your Heart.

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Mandy's POV

I walked up to Brian's condo, not sure if I should go in or not. I was about to knock when the door opened.


She rolled her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

I ignored her and walked inside. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't act like this, but Michelle always pulled the worst part of me to the surface.

"He's not here." She said closing the door.

I looked around to see boxes and suitcases all over.

"What's going on?" I asked.

She smirked. "Bri asked me to move in with him. He's at our old house, meeting with a realtor."

I shook my head. "He couldn't have."

She sighed. "Look, I know you're not going to believe anything I say to you and I really don't want to argue, so just talk to him yourself, but not here, because I have a lot to do."

I walked out without another word. I got to Benj and Alex's new house and sat in my car for a minute to get myself together.

I wasn't sure why I was so upset, me and Brian weren't anything, but I honestly believed that he still loved me.

I jumped at the sound of someone knocking on my window.

I rolled it down.

"Everything alright?" Tal asked.

I tried to hold it in, because Tal was the last person I wanted to tell about my relationship problems, but the tears started to fall and he knelt next to the car and grabbed my hand.

"Mandy? What happened?" He asked concerned.

"They're moving in together."

He raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Who?"

"Brian and Michelle."

"Whoa. Why are you crying over Bri? What about you and Carey?"

I sighed and wiped away the tears. "It's like there is no me and Carey when Brian is around. And I know that sounds wrong, but-"

He stopped me. "No. You don't have to explain. I understand."

"What am I supposed to do Tal?" I rested my head on the steering wheel and he leaned against the car door.

"You need to make a decision, stay with Carey or fight for Brian. You can't lead them both on, we know how that situation ends."

I nodded. I got out of the car and fell into his embrace, even after all the shit I had put him through he was still here, he was still someone I could always turn to, no matter what and I loved him for that.

Spencer's POV

I walked outside to check on Tal, Alex had sent him out to get some more boxes from the car, but he had been gone for a while. I saw him standing by Mandy's car and they were hugging. I watched for a minute as he held her and I couldn't help but wonder about their relationship.

I went back inside and started to help Leana unpack the kitchen.

"So where's Tal?" She asked.

I didn't answer.

"Spence?" She waved her hand in front of me.


"What's going on?" She questioned.

I shook my head. "I just saw Mandy and Tal together outside. They were just hugging, but it looked like more than that. I mean I'm crazy right to be jealous?"

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