38. The Chill of an Early Fall

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Mandy's POV

"Mandy Sawyer. You better be joking. After everything you two have been through. I really thought you and Matt stood a chance." Alex said.

"Look I know that things with Brian have never been easy and he's the last person I should be thinking about considering his current situation and I guess mine too, but there's always going to be something there between us. I don't want to hurt Matt, I honestly believe that I do care about him, but I just don't want to jump into anything with him if I'm not sure."

"Is that why you got back with Care? Things with Matt were beginning to be too much for you?"

I raised an eyebrow, skeptical, I wasn't sure if they really knew something or were just trying to get something out of me.

"Mandy. You need to talk to us, we are here for you. Always have been and we're not going to judge you if you want to be Brian. The heart wants what the heart wants." Spencer added.

"Well actually you are going to get just tiny bit of judgement from me, but I will support you no matter what." Alex said.

I smiled. "I don't know what I want. Right now everything has just been so confusing and I guess this isn't really what I need to be focusing on."

"What is going on Mands? We are really concerned about your health, not just your love life." Spencer said, Linzi looked away and I could tell that she was trying to prevent the tears.

"I think we should get everyone in here." I spoke softly.

"Is this that serious?" Alex asked as Linzi walked out of the room to get everyone else.

I stayed quiet as everyone began to appear in the room. The only people that were missing were Benji, Brian, and Val. Which I didn't necessarily mind, we both tried to remain the best of friends but after everything with Matt things were awkward and I didn't want to keep acting like nothing was wrong when we talked about him or he walked in to the room.

Matt walked in and pushed his way to me, sitting on the bed he took my hand and I took a deep breath before speaking.

"You don't have to do this now, Mands. You don't have to do it all. I can tell them." Matt offered.

I shook my head. I was nervous because my whole family was standing in front of me and the only people that knew what was really going on were Matt, Jimmy, Linzi, Joel, and Val even though she wasn't here.

"You knocked her up?" Johnny blurted out.

Matt was about to charge at him, but I held him down and Jimmy slapped Johnny upside the head.

"What? I can't believe that I am the only one thinking that? Do you guys not notice how they look at each other?" I studied the room to try and read the reactions of everyone as the thought of me and Matt as more than just friends registered with them.

"They're like brother and sister, quit being an idiot Johnny." Josh spoke up. I didn't catch anyone actually look angry at the thought, but I think everyone besides the handful of people that knew there was something there, took it as a joke.

"Moving on." I spoke clearly and everyone's attention was back on me.

"Now we need you all to remain calm and let Mandy finish this isn't easy for her to say-" Matt tried to explain, but I stopped him.

"I think it's better if I just come right out with it, like earlier." He nodded and I continued. "I have cancer. It's advanced, but there is a chance and I am going to fight, so don't worry. Matt can probably fill you in on the details better than I can, but I don't want you guys to start freaking out over this I'm still me."

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