11. That Don't Make It Easy Loving Me

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Brian's POV

I waited in the living room while Mandy went and answered the door. I soon heard someone shouting and got up to see what was going on. I looked out the window to see Mandy with her hands up and shouting at Carey. I was almost 100% positive that they were arguing about me and maybe the right thing to do was to go out there and tell Mandy that fighting over me with him was pointless, because of Michelle's pregnancy, but I didn't. I waited until Mandy came inside and found comfort with me.

"What happened?" I asked as she fell into my arms with tears in her eyes.

"Things with Carey are just hard. I don't know if I even want to try anymore." She cried.

I hugged her tighter. "I know that you love him, but I also know that you love me, and maybe I should go before I confuse things for you more by being here."

I tried to pull away, but she held on tighter and in that moment I couldn't resist and I kissed her. She didn't pull away like I thought she would've instead she fell into it and I led her to the couch.

Things started to get more intense and she pushed me off.

"What?" I asked.

She shook her head. "I can't do this again. I'm sorry." She ran upstairs and I walked out and drove to Johnny's.

"What's up Gates?" Johnny said as soon as I walked into the kitchen where he was cooking.

I sat on the bar stool without saying a word. "LACE!!" Johnny yelled and soon Lacey was standing at my side, offering her advice, her and Johnny were the only people besides Matt and Val that knew absolutely everything that was going on.

"Brian I hate to say it, but Michelle is going to have your baby and the best thing for you to do is be there for her, be with her, she is vulnerable and after her last abortion---"

"Lacey!" Val interrupted walking in with Matt.

I looked at Val sternly. "Abortion?"

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Michelle was pregnant when you two were still dating, she had an abortion because she thought you had cheated on her with that dancer on tour and she wasn't ready to raise a baby on her own. I didn't know about it until a few months later."

I grabbed my keys and ran out the door.

Spencer's POV

I sat in Alex's living room with a cheesy romantic comedy playing in the background, as hard as I tried I couldn't pay attention.

Alex walked in with Benji and sat next to me while Benj went to the room.

"I got the cutest outfits for the baby today." She said handing me a onesie that said 'My Aunt & I got in trouble today." I smiled and folded in neatly, and set it on my lap.

Alex frowned. "What's going on?"

I shook my head and tried my best to sound convincing. "Nothing, just tired." But the tears were threatening to spill out.


I let the tears fall freely. "Tal told me he loved me last night."

She smiled. "That's great! Why are you crying?"

I wiped my tears. "Because I didn't say it back, I want to, but after Nathan's dad, I just can't. He was my first and only love and Tal is great, but I have a son and saying that to him is a really big step for me."

"Well all I can tell you is that Tal is completely in love with you and when he takes that step I can promise you that he won't hurt you. He is an amazing guy and he is nothing like Nathan's dad. If you're worried about taking that step because of Nathan, don't worry about it, Tal loves that little boy as if he were his own and they get along."

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