25. Anything Goes

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Matt's POV

Once the room was quiet, I decided it was time for me to walk out of the bathroom. Mandy wasn't wrong about anything that she had said to Casey, Casey had asked me to avoid Mandy, but I don't think she meant it as a form of control, I think she sincerely thought that she was protecting me. I knew that if I waited to hear anymore of Mandy's angry voice it would be a mistake. Although I walked into the room acting like I hadn't heard a thing, it was hard for me to hide my smile as Casey's words rang in the back of my mind.

"Now it all makes sense. You're jealous." And Mandy's final words to Casey before my entrance. "So no Casey, I don't think that you know him at all because if you did, you wouldn't be trying to make him choose between us because I'm guessing that you have already put that offer on the table right?" She sounded so hurt, and I believed that it was because she really thought she could lose me, little did she know that Casey was doing the complete opposite, being with her was making me realize how much I really loved Mandy.

Mandy then threw my shirt at me, since I was only in a pair of basketball shorts. We didn't really talk for the rest of the night because Casey was taking up most of my time since no one else would really talk to her.

The next day we found ourselves back at Mandy's house. Casey was reluctant at first, but decided to make an appearance. I was outside when Mandy approached us.

"Jimmy is waiting for you, Taco-"

"Tuesday." I finished.

She smiled at me and looked at Casey with a satisfied smirk, which I pretended not to notice.

We walked inside, Casey leading the way and I couldn't help but walk close to Mandy.

Once we reached the living room, Jimmy handed me the keys to his car and we left. Casey joined us.

"Matt, do you mind dropping me off at the hotel?" Casey asked as soon as we pulled out of Mandy's driveway.

I nodded, not really questioning her because I still needed to talk to Jimmy about what had happened last night.

I was tired of staying at a hotel, but I felt bad for leaving Casey alone. I wouldn't disrespect Val by taking her to our house that we had yet to clean out. Most of my things were at Mandy's, but there were still plenty of things at the house that me and Val needed to go through together, whenever she decided to come back.

"What's going on?" Jimmy asked as soon as we left Casey at the hotel.

I began to fill him in on everything I had heard Mandy and Casey talking about.

"So she's finally coming around." He chuckled.

I couldn't keep the smile off of my face.

"Dude, you're going to strain yourself." He laughed.

"I can't help it. This is what I've been waiting for."

"You know getting her to admit her feelings isn't going to be that easy." He said immediately bursting my bubble.

We pulled up to the same Taco Truck that we would go to every Tuesday we were in LA.

"Hey Bobby." I said walking over to the window.

"Matt, long time no see." He said already getting our usual order ready.

I laughed. "Yeah. I've been out of town."

"Yeah, Mandy mentioned you had gone away for a while."

I raised an eyebrow. "Mandy?"

He smiled. "Yeah, she's been here every Tuesday for the last two months, without fail."

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