37. Don't Stop Believing

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Tal's POV

I was walking around the park with Robin, Nathan had decided to go to the basketball court with some of the other kids.

"So what went wrong?" She asked me.

I looked at her. "What do you mean?"

She kept walking. "Well it's just weird that you picked me up today."

"No it's not. I pick you and Nate up all the time." I replied.

She didn't seem satisfied with my answer, but she stayed quiet and we made our way to a bench. We sat down and she stayed quiet but after a while she spoke softly.

"It's my aunt Mandy isn't it?" She asked. "Something happened to my aunt Mandy."

I froze, but recovered quickly to not give anything away. "Why would you say that?"

"Well because she was supposed to pick me up today and she never misses her day with me." She answered.

I didn't know what else to do, Joel would just have to kill me later. "Yeah princess, your aunt Mandy is in the hospital."

"So can we go see her now?" She asked hopeful.

I grabbed my phone. "Let me call your dad and check."

She nodded and sat there patiently as I called Joel.

Joel's POV

I waited outside of the hospital for Benji to show up when my phone rang.

"What's up Tal?"

He sighed. "She knows."

"What? I thought I asked you to not say anything?" I said angrily.

"I didn't. She figured it out."

I shook my head. Of course she figured it out she was so used to pain in her life how could she not. "Is she okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. She just wants to go see her."

"I don't think that's the best idea right now. I don't want her to be in a hospital around all of this and Mandy needs to talk to us all tonight. I'm still trying to figure out this whole baby sitter thing."

He cleared his throat. "About that. Julia offered to watch all of the kids. I think we should let her since we all have to be at the hospital."

"Julia?" I questioned.

He laughed. "Yeah Julia. Julia Graham. The kids' teacher."

I smiled at the thought of her. I didn't know what was happening with her, but she just felt like someone that could handle my lifestyle and would be okay with the fact that I could never really let Alisha go.

"Jo? You there?" Tal asked.

"Yeah. Well I'll call her to head over. You can stay with the kids until she shows?"

He agreed, but also suggested to just leave them with Spencer, Alex, Gena and Zacky.

When we hung up I looked around and still no sign of Benji. I prayed that he would show up. I really needed my brother right now.

Benji's POV

I jumped in my car and sped all the way to the hospital. I couldn't be the idiot that I was back then, my family needed me. I ran 3 red lights before I noticed the red and blue lights flashing behind me.

I pulled over and the officer walked up to my window.

"License, Registration, Proof of Insurance." He spoke immediately.

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