3. The Way I Loved You

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Benji's POV 

I pushed ignore and walked back over to Alex.

"Everything okay?" She asked while getting up and the doctor handed her a picture of the ultra sound. 

I nodded. "Just some things that I need to take care of, but nothing to worry about right now."

She grabbed her purse and we walked into the lobby where Spencer was waiting. She stopped before we got to her. "Its Eliza isn't it?"

I nodded and she walked over to her sister.

I smiled not because she figured it out, but because of how well she knew me. I watched her and Spencer as they gushed over how cute the baby was going to be and how they were going to decorate the nursery. With me, it honestly hadn’t sunk in yet. I loved Alex and I wanted this baby more than anything, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready for all of the responsibilities.

“You ready to go?” She asked me. I took her hand and walked out to my car.

She kissed me softly. “You go take care of whatever it is that’s going on and I will wait for you at home.”

I smiled and held her for a minute.

“Alright love birds, time to go.” Spencer laughed. 

I let them leave first and I got in my car to see I had 5 missed calls from Eliza. As I was about to call her back, my phone started ringing again.


“Benji, why haven’t you answered any of my calls?” I could tell that she had been crying. 

“A lot has been going on. What’s wrong?” I asked.

She sniffled. “I’m flying back to LA in a couple hours. Can you pick me up from the airport in the morning?”

“Um, sure. Your mom is feeling better?”

She stayed quiet.


“She passed away a few days ago. The funeral was today. I just need to get back to LA. I don’t really want to talk about anything right now.”

“Okay.” I hung up. It was all I could think t say. There were no comforting words that came to mind, I called Billy to meet me at Johnny’s Saloon, what the hell was I going to do? 

Mandy’s POV 

I had finally gotten home after our eventful day, Carey had fallen asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, as I pulled my covers back, I heard something hit the window. Not thinking anything of it I lied down, then I heard it two more times, I got up and saw Brian being dragged away by Joel.

I ran downstairs to see what the hell was going on. I opened the front door to see a bunch of beer cans laying on the porch and a few stuck on the window sill.

I walked over to Joel’s house and Brian was sitting at the counter, while Joel handed him a cup of coffee.

“What the hell were you doing at my house?!” I yelled.

Joel shushed me. “If you guys are going to fight take it outside, Clementine and Robin are asleep upstairs.”

I apologized and gestured for Brian to follow me into the backyard.

He staggered to the porch swing and sat down without saying a word.

“Well?” I questioned.

He shrugged his shoulders. “You know it doesn’t matter what I say, in the end all of this is going to be my fault.”

“You honestly want me to take responsibility for you throwing empty beer cans at my bed room window?” I asked angrily. 

He shook his head. “I didn’t come here to start a fight with you." 

“So you were expecting Carey?” 

He smirked. “Maybe I was.”

I sighed. “Honestly Brian, what is going through your head? You cheated on me, you walked away from us way before I did, what do you want from me?”

“I didn’t end us. You did and you said so yourself. After the accident we changed." 

I threw my head back and laughed sarcastically. “Are you kidding me? I stood by you through everything. I loved you through it all.”

“When are you going to stop lying to yourself, after that accident we weren’t us anymore because I wasn’t who you wanted anymore.”

I sat there confused as ever. “Brian what are you talking about?"

“You wanted Synyster Gates! That’s what mattered to you! And when I wasn’t him anymore, everything changed for you didn’t it?" 

I stayed quiet, not knowing how to respond to that. 

“Didn’t it?!” He yelled.

“No! I didn’t want Synyster Gates, I wanted Brian. Just Brian.” I said.

He chuckled. ‘Yeah. Okay." 

“Okay, if I ended us and I am the one to blame for it all, what are you doing with Michelle?” I asked.


I nodded.

“I don’t know, but I have never lied to you about any of it, you confronted me and I didn’t hide behind her, like you do with Carey.”

“I don’t hide behind Carey. I am in love with him.”

He laughed.

“What’s so funny?” I asked annoyed.

“How easily you can lie. Don’t forget I know you better than anyone, just like you know me.”

“Ugh! What do you want me to tell you?!” I yelled frustrated.

He stayed quiet.

“That I miss screaming and fighting, kissing in the rain, that I was so in love with you I acted insane, the roller coaster rush we would get when were together, completely head over heels for each other.  Because that was the way I loved you! Carey calls when he says he will, he’s sensible and incredible, he says everything I need to hear and you—you were wild and crazy, frustrating, even intoxicating! He respects my space, he was close to Alisha, I couldn’t ask for anything better, but yes Brian I miss the screaming, I miss the fighting, I miss breaking down and coming undone.”

He stood up and reached for my hand.

I pulled away and started walking back to my house.

“Mands…” He said quietly.

I turned around. “No Brian. I’m not going to wait to be disappointed by you again. I love Carey and in the end it will always be Carey. Things with you just got complicated. It’s obvious that Michelle is the one for you, so please just let it all die here. Let me be happy.”


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