10. Every Mile A Memory

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A few days later

Benji's POV

"Hey babe, I'm gonna head over to Joel's house in a bit, you want to go?" I asked.

She nodded. "I just have to grab some stuff for Spencer to drop off at Tal's."

"Speaking of them, do you know anything?" I asked curiously.

She raised an eyebrow. "About?"

I told her everything that Tal and I had talked about.

"I honestly don't know Benji. I think that Spencer really does care for him, but she is trying to take things slow because of what happened with Nathan's dad."

I nodded. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense, but Tal is falling hard and I don't know if he can take another heartbreak after the Mandy disaster. Maybe you can-"

She cut me off. "No Benjamin. We are not getting involved. Let them figure things out themselves."

I didn't argue, I would have to talk to Linzi about it, I knew that she would help.

An hour later we pulled up to Joel's house to see Carey sitting out front with Mandy, Leana and Jimmy. I looked around to see Brian's car and Matt walking out the side gate.

I looked at Alex. "Did we miss the memo, that there was going to be a get together?"

She put her head down and started to laugh. "I'm sorry. I completely forgot to tell you, Matt called last night and said we were all to meet at Joel's today. We needed to talk."

I smiled. "Well let's see what's going on."

We got out of the car and walked over to where everyone was now gathered. All of the kids were playing on the swing set and Robin was pushing Jamie around the yard in his stroller.

"What's going on?' Linz asked Matt.

He sighed and gestured towards Mandy. "We both figured it was about time we sat down and talked about what was going on as a family. Since we rarely do that anymore."

"Look if this is about me moving back to Maryland-" Joel tried to say before Matt cut him off.

"It's not just that, but that's part of it. We all have some time off and were all in the same state for once, but ever since we lost Alisha things aren't the same and I think-we think it's about time we start getting back to that. At least until the twins head back to Maryland." He said to everyone.

"Woah. I'm not moving to Maryland." I said and Alex nodded.

"We just put a down payment on a house near Zacky's and I have too much to do before the baby gets here." Alex added.

"Matt, I get that things haven't been the same lately, but that should be understandable, we all have families now, almost all of us are parents or almost parents we can't party and crash under one roof like we used to. We have kids to be concerned about." Leana said.

"Lee, you don't think that we don't all care for Jamie, Robin, Nathan, Clementine, and the little bman that's on his way?" He asked angrily.

"You're right Matt." Joel said. "Maybe we should start having family dinners again. I want Robin to be around you all as much as possible. I think we all miss how things used to be, speaking for me it's just hard to see you all together because then I look around for Ali and she's not here, but it's time for us all to move on with our lives."

Everyone agreed and Matt suggested for us all to go to his house.

Mandy's POV

We had been at Matt's for a couple hours and Brian was nowhere to be found, I had asked everyone and they would just shrug it off. I couldn't understand how he could be the only one I could think about when I was here with Carey. I went and grabbed a drink from Matt's bar, hoping that that would get my mind off of him.

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