68. Even though we break up in the end.

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Mandy's POV

After some convincing Matt agreed to fly back to California. My first flight with Nikki had actually gone very well, he slept pretty much the entire flight. Either in my arms or Matt's.

Tonight was going to be one of the hardest nights of my life, Everyone was going to find out that Matt and I had a baby together.

We pulled up to my house and parked in the garage closing it immediately so no one would see us unload the car seat and the other baby stuff.

"How do you want to go about this?" Matt asked, getting Nikki out of his car seat.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, I think maybe we should figure out where we are, better yet what we are before we involve everyone else."

"What do you mean figure out what we are? I thought we established that already. I want to be with you and you want to be with me, right?'

I sat down at the table. "It's not that simple. You know that."

He rolled his eyes. "Here we fucking go again. I'm tired of these games, Mandy."

I stood up and took Nikki from him. "They're not games, Matt. Do you think I want to feel this way? I cant make a decision to save my life and you just came out of no where. I wasn't ready for this. I wast ready for you to be in my life again."

He started to walk towards the door. "I'll be at Jo's whenever you figure out what the hell it is that you want." Without another word he was gone and once again I was alone with my son not knowing what the hell I was gonna do.

Joel's POV

Mandy had text that she was home with Matt and the baby but she didn't want anyone to know yet. Everyone was set to come over for dinner, but right now it was only me, Billy and Linz, the kids were upstairs playing.

"So what do you think is gonna happen when everyone finds out?" Linzi asked, but the conversation was quickly cut short, Matt walked in and slammed the door behind him.

"That can't be good." I heard Billy whisper to Linzi.

"Hey Shads, everything alright?" I asked.

He shook his head. "Can I get a beer?" I nodded and went to grab it while he stayed in the living room with Linzi and Billy.

As I was walking back from the kitchen I over heard their conversation.

"Mandy has a kid." Matt said and waited for a reaction.

"Oh my God!" Billy screamed.

"It's my kid." Matt added.

"That is brand new information!" Linzi shouted.

I threw my head back. Those two were terrible actors. I just hoped that Matt was too stressed to notice.

"Did you guys fight about something?" I asked.

"Well we slept together less than 24 hours ago and now she doesn't know what she wants."

We were obviously all taken a back. No one thought in a million years that Mandy and Matt would ever get back together.

"Maybe you two being together isn't the best idea, I mean what about Val?" Linzi questioned.

"I don't know. All of this just happened at the worst time possible. I always thought that Val and I would be together forever, but then Mandy came into our lives and over the years my feelings just grew and now that she has given me a son. I just don't fucking know."

Matt's POV

"You know what you want, who you want. You're just scared to admit it because of who is going to get hurt. Just being fucking true to your heart from once. If it's Mandy, great, if it's Val, that's fine too. You just have to make a decision because they need stability. Mandy needs stability and so does the baby." Joel said.

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