41. Silver Lining

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Mandy's POV

"Back so soon?" I turned around at the sound of Alisha's voice.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. "This can't be real."

She laughed. "Would you stop. You look ridiculous."

"Am I dead?" I asked.

She smiled. "No. You idiot. You're just taking a little time out. You've had a rough few days."

"How do I fight this Ali?" I asked hoping to get an instruction manual on my love life.

"The cancer?" She asked, but before I could answer she jumped to the right conclusion. "You're talking about Carey and Matt aren't you?"

I nodded. "I don't want to hurt Matt, but Carey..."

She smiled and sat down at her vanity. I hadn't realized where we were until that moment. We were sitting in her bedroom at the house in Maryland.

"Carey is your first love. There's absolutely nothing in this universe that can change that. What you feel for Matt, I'm still not too sure about that. I don't know if you ran to him because he was the dependable one. The one that no matter what would be there for you."

I stopped her. "No. That's not Matt. That's always been Carey."

She shook her head. "I wish you would stop lying to yourself, Mands. Carey resurfaced when Robin was what a year old? He had a life when you were touring with Avenged. He moved on for a while, yeah he came back to you, but he also left. You said yourself that he wasn't there when you needed him the most. If Matt is the one, great. If Carey is the one, that's great too. Brian on the other hand..."

"You don't have to worry about Brian anymore, he's happy with Michelle. He's a dad now and I think we've both finally figured out how to be friends. At least I hope so." I honestly didn't know where that came from, but I knew in my heart it was the truth.

"So what are you going to do? I know you're going to beat this cancer. It's not your time yet, but I can't leave you without knowing that you are going to be okay. You need to stop going back and forth between these boys. You know deep down who you truly are in love with. Just follow your heart, Mands. It will lead you to the right person." I listened to every word. Trying my best to memorize every little detail of this moment. I missed my little sisters advice.

"You know I will always be watching over you. Tell my little girl I love her and tell Joel to stop running from it. She's going to save him." She spoke so sure of it all. I wasn't sure if I should mention what happened to Joel.

She smiled sadly. "I know what he's going through right now. Don't worry about it. He'll be fine. He will be strong for our little girl. Just know that Julia is the one that's going to save him because I can't. Now I have to go. Bye Mandy. I love you."

I woke up in the hospital room to a bunch of bright lights and a sharp pain in my left arm. I tried to move it but It wouldn't budge.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled. Soon the weight was gone and my arm shot up in the air.

"Mandy?!" I turned to see Carey with a huge grin and a red mark on his face.

"We're you asleep on me?" I asked.

He laughed. "Sorry. I just didn't want to leave you."

"I should go get a doctor." He said and made his way to the door.

"Hold on Care. I want to ask you something."

He walked back over to me. "What?"

"When I survive this, what's going to happen to us?" I asked.

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