31. We've Got Tonight Who Needs Tomorrow

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Brian's POV

I pulled up to Mandy's house, my old home, the one that I had built with her, one that hadn't lasted me long because of every stupid decision that I had ever made.

All the lights were off except for the front porch light. I wasn't sure why I was even here, I wanted so badly to just walk in and find her there listening to her music with the muted TV being the only light shining in the room while she scrolled through her phone, the way that she had always done when she was waiting for me to come home from the studio or from being out with the guys, but it didn't matter how much I hoped to find her that way because I never would. She was no longer mine and there was nothing that I could do to change that.

I parked my car and walked up to the door. There was muffled voices coming from inside, but I imagined it was the TV that was left on.

My phone began to ring and I jumped.

I felt like such a stalker. Mandy wasn't even home, but here I was creeping around her house in the middle of the night.

I checked my phone to see "Michelle" flashing on the screen.

I decided the best choice was to answer because if not she was just going to keep calling.


"Hey are you coming home tonight?" She asked. Not really questioning me or trying to pick a fight, just a question that was usually followed by if you are coming home I need to know so I can leave the alarm off.

I stayed silent. This was my life now, a life with no spark, a life that was dull, and one that I didn't want, but had to have.

"I'll be home in about an hour." I answered simply and she hung up with a quick goodbye.

I got back into my car and took the scenic route back to Michelle's place. I noticed Val's car was parked in the driveway and immediately realized that the next few days were going to be full of drama since she was only coming into town to pack up the house with Matt.

I walked inside said a brief hello and went into the bedroom. Michelle followed me into the room and closed the door behind her.

She kissed me and my thoughts immediately reverted to Mandy.

"Every time I kiss you, you think of her, don't you?" She asked irritated.

I nodded. "Yeah and even when you don't." I wasn't sure why I was trying to pick a fight with her, I guess I was hoping that she would kick me out and let me off the hook. That's all I really wanted. I wanted any chance that I had with Mandy.

"Did you go to Mandy's again?" She asked ignoring my comment.

I didn't say anything, simply grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom, but once again she followed me.

"Brian, I thought that we were passed all of this."

I shrugged. "I thought so too, Michelle, I really want to be in a good place with you, especially before the baby gets here, but I just can't get Mandy out of my head and I know that's the last thing that you want to hear, but I don't know how else to put it."

She leaned against the counter. "I don't know what to do here, I don't want to live like this when the baby gets here, so you can just go Brian, I'm not going to force you to be here anymore. Val is going to stay here for a while and she offered to help when the baby comes so you can just go."

There it is Brian, you're out. Take it.

"Well?" She asked.

Come on Brian, take it.

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