65. Her conscience calls the guilty to come home.

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Matt's POV

I woke up to see the spot next to me empty, I was usually awake before Val, so I turned to check my phone it was barely six am. I got out of bed and threw on a T-shirt.

"Val?" I called out, but no answer.

I walked downstairs and she was sitting on the ground against the couch, holding her stomach. I ran to her side.

"Val?! What happened?" She grabbed my hand and looked at me panicked.

"We need to go to the hospital." She said in between breaths.

I ran upstairs and grabbed the hospital bags and my keys. I carried her to my car and sped the whole way to the hospital.

I held her hand and talked her through what I figured were contractions. I had never been in this position before. Every time one of the girls went into labor I didn't show up until the baby was already here.

When I pulled into the emergency department there was already a nurse waiting outside with a wheelchair. Jimmy was running up to us from the parking lot.

"I thought she wasn't due for another week." He panicked.

I didn't answer him, I was too busy focusing on Val. I was about to become a dad for the first time.

Mandy's POV

My phone rang I turned it over to see Linzi's picture on the screen.

"Hey. Isn't it barely 6 there?" I asked.

She spoke softly. "Val is in labor."

I stayed quiet. I didn't know what to say. Matt was about to become a dad, for the first time, or so he thought.

"Mands? Are you there?"

I cleared my throat. "I'm here."

"What are you thinking?" She asked.

At this point I couldn't help but let the tears fall. He was there at Val's side, being her support, being the person she needed the most in that vulnerable moment.


"Rhemy! My water broke!" I screamed from my bathroom.

She ran in and helped me out to the living room.

"Where's my mom?" I cried.

She pulled her phone out, "I'm calling her now to meet us at the hospital. Her hotel is only five minutes from here, she'll make it."

I breathed through the pain as Rhemy sped to the hospital.

Once I was wheeled into the labor and delivery wing of the hospital, I saw my mom waiting for me. I smiled and she ran over to me. "How are you doing?" She asked.

I squeezed her hand.

She laughed. "Ok. Ok. Let's go have this baby."

The nurses wheeled me into a delivery room and checked me.

"Alright Mandy, you're about 9 centimeters dilated, as soon as the doctor gets down here its going to be time for you to push."

I nodded and the tears began to fall.

"What's wrong?" Rhemy asked.

"I want Matt." I couldn't hold anything back anymore.

Rhemy nodded and immediately ran out to call him.

Rhemy's POV

I grabbed Mandy's phone and looked for his number, I decided to call off of my phone just in case he didn't answer because it was her.

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