2. My Fist, Your Mouth, Her Scars

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Benji's POV

I pulled up to our apartment and the door was open, I walked inside quietly and there she was on the couch with tears in her eyes and Joey standing over her with anger in his.

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked watching Joey's moves closely.

He backed away from Alex with his hands up. "It's not what you think Benji." He said defensively.

Alex took the opportunity of him backing away to run to me.

I wrapped my arms around her and she cried into my chest.

"You need to leave now." I demanded.

He quickly made his way to the front door and left. I shut the door and locked it.

"Alex, what happened?" I asked. I needed to know what to do. I looked her over and it didn't look like he had laid a hand on her, but I honestly didn't know what kind of guy Joey was and I didn't trust him at all.

"Did he hurt you?" I asked.

She stayed quiet.

"Alex, I need to know what happened." I led her to the couch and she looked at me sadly.

"He called me before you did to ask where I was, I felt bad about what happened at the church so I told him where I was so we could talk. I don't know how he found out that I was pregnant, but he did and when I told him the baby isn't his he got angry and..." She started to cry again and I held her close.

"Did he hurt you Alex?" I was trying my best to soothe her, I knew that whatever happened wasn't something that she wanted to talk about, but if he had hurt her, I honestly didn't know what I would do.

"He didn't hit me Benj. He just shoved me down onto the couch when I was trying to explain." I got up angrily.

"Benjamin calm down." She begged.

I shook my head and walked to the door.

"Benji! What are you going to do?! Benji!" Her voice faded as I made my way outside.

I pulled out my phone and called Carey.

"Hello?" He answered cheerfully.

"I need you and the guys to meet me at Zacky's house as soon as possible. Send the girls to mine and Alex's place." I said quickly, I hoped he understood everything.

"Benji, what's going on?" He asked.

"I'll fill you all in at Zack's, just get the girls with Alex." I hung up and drove around town to see if I spotted him anywhere, after about 30 minutes I headed over to Zacky's, everyone should be here soon.

I paced up and down the driveway, not knowing what to think. Alex had said that the baby wasn't Joey's so that meant? And I didn't even acknowledge that part of our conversation. I just couldn't believe that Joey would stoop this low, knowing that Alex was pregnant, if I hadn't shown up when I did who knows what would have happened.

Soon I saw Joel's car pull into the driveway, with Zacky and Billy's car right behind him.

Carey and Joel got out of his car and everyone else piled out of Billy's SUV.

We made our way inside and I started to tell them all what had happened.

Alex's POV

I screamed after Benji, but he was already long gone. I lied down on the couch and put my hands on my stomach.

"Everything is going to be fine baby, Daddy won't let anything happen to us." I cried myself to sleep.

"Alex. Alex." I screamed and jumped up to see Spencer, Mandy, and Linzi standing over me.

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