24. Don't Think I Can't Love You

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Brian's POV

I backed away from her and looked her in the eyes. Every time she lied I could immediately tell, but this time she was being completely honest and I felt as though my heart was being ripped out of my chest.

She grabbed my hand. "Bri, I am so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. Even after everything I still care about you."

I then asked the only question that came to mind. "Is this because of Matt?"

She stayed quiet.

"It is, isn't it?" I insisted.

She turned away from me. "Honestly? No, things between me and Matt are at a weird place right now, but what's happening between me and you-you can't blame him for it. You're going to be a dad soon and I don't - I can't be a part of your life anymore. Not in that way. Michelle may be a lot of things, but that doesn't mean she is going to be a bad mother, and your baby doesn't deserve to grow up the way Ali and I did."

She gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. "I hope we can try and be friends."

She walked back inside and I stood there trying to process it all. Mandy and I were officially over.

Spencer's POV

I sat in the car with Tal waiting for Jeremy to show up. We were running late to Matt's welcome home party, but we wanted to have the papers signed and give everyone the surprise.

We were set to meet at 5:00 and it was nearing 6:00. Tal was beginning to get impatient.

"What the hell is taking him so long? It's not like we're trying to push Nathan on him." He snapped.

I didn't answer him.

Finally I saw the very familiar Chevy pull into the parking lot.

"That's him." I said.

Tal immediately got out of the car.

We went inside and sat at a table by the window of the restaurant.

Jeremy walked in with his new wife and sat down.

"Spencer. Nice to see you." He smiled. Things between us hadn't ended on the best of terms and I was very uncomfortable having Tal here in front of Jeremy, so I simply nodded.

"You must be Tal?" He said sticking his hand out. Tal shook it and set the papers on the table.

"So what happens when I sign these?" Jeremy asked, opening the envelope.

"Well you sign over all your rights to Nathan, he will become a Cooperman and you will have no legal obligation to be a part of his life." I explained.

"What if I want to see my son?" He questioned, emphasizing the word 'my' while looking at Tal.

Tal scoffed. "You haven't seen him in nearly 4 months, but now he concerns you?"

I foresaw the conversation heading in the worst direction possible, so I decided to take control.

"Jeremy, Nathan isn't going to forget you overnight. If you want to see him you can, but it will be on our terms, Tal will be the one making any and all decisions with me, he will be his father now." I stated.

He shook his head. "How long have you known this guy that you are willing to give him complete control of our son's life?"

I laughed sarcastically. "You're joking right?"

He stayed quiet.

"Nathan is five years old Jeremy and he is closer to Tal then he ever was to you, after only knowing him a year. So please don't try and turn this around and try to make it seem like I am taking him away from you."

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