13. Love Has A Way

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Tal's POV

"Spencer. Please hear me out, things with Mandy-" I tried to explain, but she cut me off.

"You slept with her, you had a relationship with her and you didn't tell me." She cried.

"Spence. I didn't think that it mattered it happened a long time ago."

She stood up. "Of course it matters. I confide in her about our relationship and turns out that you and her. Ugh. I just don't know what to do here Tal."

I stood behind her and put my arms around her. "There is nothing for you to do, what happened is in the past. You're a part of my life now and she loves Brian."

She shrugged me off and walked back to the bed.

"If Brian wasn't in the middle, if there was no Carey, would you still be with her?"

I avoided her gaze, I honestly didn't know the answer.

"Tal? Do you still love her?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Yes, but not like I love you."

"What am I supposed to do with that?"

I saw the hurt in her eyes, and the only thing that I could think of was to kiss her, to pull her into my arms and assure her that she was the only one for me, that things with Mandy were different now and we were only friends, the best of friends, but the one for me, the one that I truly loved was Spencer.

We fell into the moment and we pulled apart only after hearing shouting downstairs, we both ran down and Benji was pulling Mandy off of Brian.

She was red with anger and I could see the tears falling from her eyes.

Brian was on the ground barely holding it together. Matt picked him up and led him outside with Alex and Linzi.

Spencer followed them outside and I went over to Jimmy, who was secretly trying not to laugh.

"Jim, what's going on?" I asked concerned.

He laughed. "She fucking kicked his ass."

I smiled. "I can see that, but why?"

The smile fell from his face, I guess he realized the situation wasn't as funny as he thought it was. "She found out that Michelle is pregnant."

"What?!" I asked shocked. "I thought they were just moving in together?"

Jimmy turned to look at me. "They're moving in together?"

I nodded. "That's why I was outside comforting Mandy, she found out before she came over here."

Jimmy crossed his arm and held a pensive look on his face. "What the hell is going on around here?"

Benji's POV

"Mandy you need to calm down." I said pulling her upstairs with Val and Joel.

"I don't even want to fucking see you Benj." She said annoyed.

"What did I do?" I asked defensively.

She rolled her eyes. "Are you serious?"

I sighed, realizing that she was talking about what happened with Tal earlier.

"I needed to get your attention somehow. You guys out there together looked bad and you needed to realize that your actions hurt other people, just like what Brian does hurts you. I am sorry for how it came out." I explained.

She nodded understandingly. "I get it, right now I am just so pissed at Brian, how could he do this to me?" She fumed.

"What do you mean? You're with Carey, I don't understand why all of this is affecting you so much. Isn't Carey 'the one' that's why you went to Arizona right?"

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