50. I heard it from a friend of a friend.

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Gena's POV

"I honestly can't believe she had the nerve to do that." I said to Leana as we walked back over to Joel's.

Leana shook her head. "Did we honestly every really believe that she was over him?"

I nodded. "I thought that she had gotten over him, I mean she was okay with him being with Mandy, right?"

"Well she let us all think that, but I mean is this so bad? They were in love for a long time and they were even married." Leana answered.

I sighed. "I don't know. I just think it's pretty fucked up that she would go about it this way. She gave her support to Mandy and as soon as her and Matt have one big fight, she swoops in to try and take him back, she's honestly no better than Michelle."

Leana rolled her eyes. "We can't pick sides here. Mandy packed up and left without telling anyone and she isn't the best role model when it comes to this stuff, remember that she was the rebound for Matt and Brian."

"I will take sides in this situation and you know that everyone is going to. And there is no way that Mands was Brian's rebound. You've lost your damn mind if you think he never truly loved that girl. I wonder how he's going to react when he finds out she left."

Leana shook her head. "I do know that he loved her, I'm not saying he didn't, but he has a family now. And he doesn't know yet?"

I shook my head. "Didn't you notice he wasn't there when the announcement was made and I honestly believe everyone is avoiding telling him."

"Momma!" Jamie came running up to Leana and she swooped him up, already 3 years old and time couldn't seem to stand still.

"What's going on?" Jimmy asked as we sat down next to him.

"Where's Zacky?" I asked.

He pointed to the garage. "Him and Joel are trying to figure out what's wrong with Benji's truck."

"Well if Mandy was here, she would say—" I was cut off by Jimmy.

"It's because it's a Chevy." We all laughed and fell silent. We were really missing Mandy and were confused because we didn't understand why she left so abruptly.

Mandy's POV

I pulled over at a rest stop to get a couple hours of sleep. I honestly couldn't wait to be in Orlando. I would be living out of a hotel for a couple weeks, but it was worth it to get away from Matt and all of the drama that came with living in California.

24 hours later ---

I had just pulled up to Hart and Huntington after a few hours of rest in the hotel.

Carey greeted me at the front door.

"You made it!"

I smiled and he pulled me in for a hug. "It's so good to see you, Care."

He showed me around the shop and introduced me to a couple of the artists that were working at the moment.

"Everyone is excited to have you here, they are all glad the old manager is gone." He laughed and led me into the back office.

"So you can work back here most of the time, this will be your office, but I think you would be good to have in the front, our receptionist can be a little ditzy, but she gets the job done."

I looked around the room.

He chuckled. "You are free to decorate it however you want."

I let out a breath. "Thank god! Whoever was in charge of this place before has horrendous taste."

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