59. Thanksgiving

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Joel's POV


"Hey Blood, did you release your Black Friday code yet?" Zacky asked Billy as he walked into the living room.

Their conversation fell to the back of my mind as I stared at the empty kitchen. The holidays were always the hardest without Alisha. Julia and I were truly trying to work through our relationship issues, Alisha being the main one, but it was honestly the hardest thing I ever had to do to see someone else in her place.

"What are you thinking about?" Mandy asked sitting down next to me.

I sighed. "What I'm always thinking about."

She smiled, sadly."I miss her too. Although I don't miss her yelling at us &or not helping and running around like a chicken with it's head cut off."

I laughed. "You're probably not gonna believe me, but that's what I miss the most."

"Actually I do believe you, you're the only one that would watch her every move with this ridiculous grin on your face. I think Zacky actually snapped a picture of you once. —Hey Zacky you still have that picture of Joel..." her voice faded to the background as I remembered the last thanksgiving we all spent together.

Benji's POV

I pulled up to Joel's house with Alex, Kells, and Ben.

"Aww shit." I spoke out loud when I saw Mandy's truck parked in the garage.

"What?" Kells asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Please don't act like some damn fool in front of her."

Alex looked over at me confused.

I laughed. "He thinks he has a chance with Mandy."

She smiled mischievously. I shook my head. "Don't get any ideas. She calls him Colson."

"Wait she's here?" He asked.

"Dude she lives next door. Fuck!" I looked over at Alex. "Don't let me talk anymore." She laughed and we walked inside.

I stood back as I took a look around the room. Mandy was sitting with Zacky approving designs with him and Gena. Joel was playing his guitar. Billy was approving designs with Linzi.

"Did I just walk into the past?" I asked.

They all looked at each other and started laughing.

"Where's Jules?" Alex asked.

Joel gestured upstairs.

"Hey there beautiful." I turned around and Kells was already standing in front of Mandy.

She laughed and continued working on the computer.

"It took you literally 23 seconds to look like a damn fool in front of her." I grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him to the garage to get a beer.

Mandy's POV

"So what's the deal with him?" Gena asked.

I shook my head. "There's no deal. We just met."

Zacky chuckled.

"What?" I questioned.

"If I know Kells, you two will be a thing by the end of the week."

I rolled my eyes. "Well you may know Colson, but you obviously don't know me."

He turned to me shocked. "You call him Colson?!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yes. Why?"

He smirked. "He doesn't let anyone call him that."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. You need to make that font lime green." I pointed to the screen, changing the subject.

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