40. Lead me into your heart.

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Matt's POV

I walked out of her room and stood by the door.

"I should've never let you go." I heard her voice speak those words to him and I fell apart. She really did love him. I wasn't anything to her and she obviously knew that we would never work, but yet she led me on. She kept me hoping that one day she would take me seriously.

I rushed out of the hospital and briefly heard her voice as she called my name.

"Matthew!" I didn't turn around. I already knew where this was going to end up. She would never leave me alone in the dark, not when she felt my heart needed her the most.

Her arms found their way around me and I fell into her.

"Let's go home." She spoke softly and I let her lead me to the car.

We pulled up to our old house and she smiled. "I've been thinking about this day for a long time you know?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

She turned the car off. "Us giving this another try."

I shook my head. "Val. I don't think that's the best idea. I don't know how you even got to that conclusion."

"Maybe because Carey is here and I was hoping that you finally came to your senses."

I laughed sarcastically. "You're joking right? You think just because Mandy is about to choose Carey I'm automatically going to come running back to you?"

She nodded.

"You've lost your damn mind. I thought that maybe I could depend on you right now as a friend. Someone that I've known my whole life and could just be a support system for me, but there always has to be something in it for you, right Valary?"

She opened the door and got out of the car angrily. "You know what Matt? I'm glad that she didn't choose you, I wouldn't wish for anyone to be stuck with your  insecure, needy ass." She threw the keys at me and walked inside.

I hopped into the driver seat and made my way to Johnny's Saloon.

"What'll it be?" Johnny asked as I sat down at the bar.

"Jack and Coke." I said simply. He poured the drink and walked away. Leaving me to my own thoughts.

"You know I always thought that you would end up with Val, but now that I've seen first hand how mean she can be. I'm glad you signed those divorce papers."

I smiled at hearing that voice. "Sis. What the hell are you doing here?"

Mandy's POV

He didn't say anything. Just stared at me with tears in his eyes.

"Say something." I pleaded.

He grabbed my hands. "How could you let me treat you that way, when you were going through all of this?" He asked.

I shook my head. "You don't need to feel guilty, Care. I didn't want pity from anyone. That's why I hid this for as long as I could."

"Mands. You have cancer. You shouldn't be going through this alone."

I sighed. "I'm not going through it alone."

Carey's POV

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"Alisha." She spoke quietly before she went limp.

The monitors started beeping and soon the room was flooded with nurses and doctors. I was being pushed out of the room.

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