63. Secrets

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Mandy's POV

"You what?!" I screamed at them.

They both put up their hands defensively. "It's not what it seems like."

"I can't believe you two, you both have kids and a life outside of all this bullshit, why can't you let me be happy?! Whether it's with Colson or someone else?!" I shouted.

They all stayed quiet.

I rolled my eyes. "You know Brian, I expect this kind of shit from you, but Tal... you've always been supportive of me and my choices, you never let anyone else hurt me and now you're the one trying to? I just don't get it."

"Mands.." Tal spoke softly.

I pushed him away. "Don't do that. I think it's best if you both leave."

"You can't force us to leave. This is a family tradition and we are a family. You know Alisha wouldn't put up with this shit." Brian said.

Although I knew he was right, I wasn't going to let him throw my sister in my face.

"You of all people, do not get to tell me what my sister would have wanted!" I yelled.

Just then Joel walked into the kitchen. "What the hell is going on in here? We can hear you screaming at each other in the other room."

I pointed to Tal and Brian. "I don't want them here."

He sighed. "Mands.. Come on." He pleaded.

"Either they go, or I will."I threatened.

He gestured for me to follow him upstairs.

I shook my head. "No. I don't need a heartfelt talk. I want them gone."

He took a breath. "Can you at least tell me why?"

"Joel, I don't want to get into this right now. Now either they go or I will. Simple as that." I stood my ground.

He turned to Brian. "You should go. I know this doesn't seem fair, but you must've fucked up bad this time."

He rolled his eyes and stormed out.

Then Joel turned back to me. "I can't force him to leave. His family is here too."

I stayed quiet. Quickly realizing how unfair I was being, but I didn't want to admit it.

"Fine. He can stay, but can you just mind your business now. Go outside and put the Christmas lights or something-please just give me this peace with my niece." I asked.

Tal agreed and went out back with Jimmy to get the outdoor decorations.

"I'm sorry Jo, I just—you know how hard this time of year is for me, and these two idiots are just making it worse." I explained.

He smiled, sympathetically of course. "I know Mands. And I know that if Ali were here she would be doing everything in her power to protect you. So believe me I get it and I'm here if you need to talk."

He gave me a hug and we both walked back to the living room.

A few hours later.

The night was slowly fading away. We had spent hours decorating trying our best to make the house as beautiful as Alisha would.

I was trying my best to avoid Tal, although keeping that from Spencer was hard to do. Our relationship was strained ever since she heard Tal profess his love to me. I kept telling myself I didn't know how I got myself into this mess, but I did. I always ran the wrong way and turned to the wrong person when I was in trouble. That's why Brian and I ended up together all those years ago, that's how Tal and I ended up, shit at this point I didn't even know what we were.

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