47. What's underneath this black jacket is a broken heart.

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Mandy's POV

After the news that Benji sprung on us I decided to go over to Spencer's and I text Val to meet me there. Although we weren't back to our same old friendship prior to Matt and I being together I knew that I could always count on her.

We pulled up at the same time and she gave me a questioning look.

"Benj was at the house this morning, Joey is back and we need to plan an intervention for Alex." I explained.

She didn't say anything just followed me inside. Spencer was sitting in the living room and there was a stack of papers in front of her on the coffee table.

I grabbed the top sheet and plopped down next to her.

"What's this?" I asked.

She jumped when she realized she wasn't alone.

"Custody papers? I thought you and Tal were done with this?" I questioned.

"Yeah me too." She mumbled.

"Jeremy giving you trouble?" Val asked.

Spencer shook her head.

"Then what's going on?" I questioned.

She sighed. "If I'm honest it's you." She turned to me.

"Me?" I inquired.

Spencer grabbed an Adidas shoebox and I immediately recognized it.

"Where did you find that?" I asked, worriedly.

"What is that?" Val asked.

Spencer handed her the box and Val opened it.

"Oh. Wow." She started flipping through all of the pictures and letters.

"I thought that your relationship with Tal was just a fling?" Val remarked.

I looked down. I couldn't bring myself to look Spencer in the eye. Tal and I had only been together for a short time, but it was something that was special to the both of us and I really did love him at one point, I just never felt for him what I felt for Brian, or even Carey.

Carey... you mean Matt. What the hell, Mandy!

"Mands?" Val and Spencer were obviously waiting for an explanation.

"Okay. When Tal and I decided to end our relationship I gave him back every single thing he had ever given me except that Iron Maiden shirt. I couldn't part with it. I know that you were blindsided when you found out about us and it wasn't the way you should've found out, but I have zero feelings for him, not like that anyway, you have to believe me Spencer. I wouldn't do that to you."

She sighed. "I know you wouldn't, but you're not the one that I'm worried about. The way he reacted to your relationship with Matt was—I don't know. I just don't want to be hurt again. He hasn't even come home and I got anxious and I decided to start cleaning. There is a huge mess in the hall closet from when we moved in together and I just came across all of this stuff from his past, but this... I just don't know what I'm supposed to do. Am I that naïve? That when I meet someone who shows my son and I a bit of attention I sign over full rights? What the hell was I thinking?"

I sighed. "You're not naïve, Spence, you're in love and I know that Tal loves you just as much or even more. You can't dwell on his past. He doesn't do that to you. Yes, he is having trouble with the idea of Matt and I, but shit so am I. No one saw this coming and just because he is open and being honest about his feelings, we shouldn't punish him. I know the rest of you are just biting your tongues because this is something that no one really wanted to happen."

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