60. Even if its gonna break me love, I run to you.

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Mandy's POV

"What do you mean you slept with him?!" Gena yelled at me.

I covered her mouth. "Could you not scream? I don't want anyone else to know."

She pushed my hand away. "Well if you didn't want anyone to know then maybe you shouldn't have slept with him!"

I sat on the edge of the bed. "I know it was stupid and I swear it was just a lapse in judgement."

"Yeah I don't think he realizes that." She whispered walking around me. I looked over and there stood Brian with my coffee in his hand.

"I think I hear Zacky calling me." Gena ran out the room, quickly.

"What was that about?" Brian asked, once Gena was out of the room.

"I told her." I said.

He smiled. "What happened to not wanting anyone to find out?"

"I don't want anyone to find out, but I still need someone to talk to. This shouldn't have happened and you know that."

He shook his head. "Don't start with that shit again. You know damn well that if you truly didn't want this to happen it wouldn't have. Don't play innocent."

I grabbed my brush and threw it at him. "You're so fucking exhausting! Do you always have to be an ass? To me this is a serious thing. I honestly don't know why I came back."

He rolled his eyes. "You came back because you're kidding yourself with this life you're living in Florida. You don't belong there Mandy. You belong here."

I grabbed my phone and started to walk out of the room when he pulled me back.

"I'm not going to act like this didn't happen, so we either talk this out and get somewhere or in the next five minutes the whole house is gonna know what happened."

I walked downstairs with him not far behind.

I grabbed a glass off the table and took a quick scan of the room to make sure the kids weren't in here. After I was sure they weren't I tapped the glass with a spoon.

"Can I have everyone's attention.."

"What are you doing?" He took the glass from my hand.

Everyone's eyes were now on us.

"You know I don't do well with being threatened." I whispered to him.

I turned back around and climbed up on the bar stool. "Brian and I slept together last night and no we're not together nor will we ever be together."

I climbed down and patted him on the back.

Joel's POV

We had finished dinner and were now hanging out outside by the fire. I had to say it was the most awkward thanksgiving dinner we had ever had. I felt bad for Julia because it was her first dinner with us and Mandy had to make a scene with Brian.

"I'm sorry about that dinner. It wasn't exactly what I wanted it to be." I told Julia.

"Hey. Don't worry about it. I know that there is always a lot going on here and I can handle it." She answered.

In that moment I realized that we would be okay, we had to put everything else that happened aside and move on with our lives.

"So what are your Christmas plans?" She asked suddenly.

I truly didn't know how to answer her. Since Alisha had been gone we had spent Christmas in Maryland at the old house. The kids loved being in the snow and being in Alisha's house brought back a lot of memories. I wasn't sure I could have Julia there without disrespecting Alisha's memory.

"I'm not sure yet, but we can talk about it closer to the date."

It seemed like that she was satisfied with my answer and I went over to talk to the guys.

Brian's POV

I still couldn't believe that Mandy announced to everyone that we had slept together. I wanted everyone to know, but not like that.

"So when is the wedding?" Benji asked walking over to me.

I shook my head. "Don't start."

"Look bro, I know that you still love her, you never stopped. Don't you think it's about time you get your head out of your ass and marry that girl."

I sat down. "I want nothing more than to be with her, but we tried the whole engaged thing and it didn't work. She's never going to want to take me seriously after everything that's happened between us."

"You have to try. Look at me and Alex. We've been through all kinds of shit and we're still trying because we love each other more than anything."

I sighed. I didn't want Benji's words to give me any kind of hope because it would kill me to lose her again. As much as I wanted to believe that us being together again would change things, I knew it wouldn't. She had established her life in Florida and there was no way in hell she would come back to California for me, again.

"Yeah you two put each other through a lot of shit, but there's one difference." I said.

"What's that?" He asked.

"You don't have a kid with another woman."

He didn't say anything else after that and in that moment I knew, hope for Mandy and I no longer existed.

Mandy's POV

"Why the hell did you do that?" Gena asked pulling me outside.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Why do I do anything?"

"Because you're fucking stupid."

"Thanks a lot Gena." I rolled my eyes.

We started walking and ended up at my house. I didn't want to be here because everything here reminded me of Brian, but maybe that's what I needed. We walked into the backyard and I looked at the swing set he had built for Robin early in Alisha's pregnancy. I found it completely ridiculous, but he knew that that little girl was going to be my entire world and that meant that she would be his too.

I watched him build it with so much love; in that particular moment I didn't think I could love anyone else. He was my life and I never wanted that to change, but as I stood here now I realized that it was only a memory, it was a dream that would never come true, a life with him wasn't something that would ever be possible. The love we had for each other existed, yes, but it was never enough.

We were selfish. He wanted Avenged and I wanted anything but that life. After losing Ali, my health, and everything else that has gone wrong in the last few years, I needed stability and with Brian I wouldn't find that.

"Why are you so quiet?" Gena asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Why couldn't Brian be the one?"

She sighed and we went inside. "Putting all the bullshit aside, do you still love him?"

"Of course I love him. I always will." I answered.

She shook her head. "You know that's not what I mean. Are you still in love with him?"

I took a second before answering her.

"Gena, I don't know how to give you a straight answer. We always make these stupid decisions in life that don't just hurt us. They hurt everyone around us. Towards the end we fought over the most ridiculous things, it turned into these screaming matches that in the end we didn't even know what they were about. I don't want that for me. I don't want that for him. We were fighting a war that both of us ended up losing." I was trying my best not to cry, but it was hard to hold everything in all the time.

"You two should sit down and talk and I mean really talk. There's no sense in telling me all of this if you're not willing to go over there and talk to him too."

I nodded. Having a serious talk with Brian was what we needed.

There was a knock on the door and it opened slowly.

"Hey.. Are you okay?" Soon he was kneeling in front of me wiping a tear from my face.

"Colson, what are you doing here?"

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