9. How To Deal

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Val's POV

"Matt what the hell?!" I screamed and ran over to Brian, who was now bloody and unconscious.

He threw the chair in front of him across the room. "Did you know Michelle is pregnant?" He asked angrily. 

"No. Where did you get that from?"

"I just talked to Johnny, he asked me if I knew what Brian had decided to do, and of course I didn't know what he was talking about so I made him tell me and he said that Brian went over to his house panicking because Michelle was late."

I put my purse behind Brian's head and text Zacky to get up here quickly and discreetly.

"I don't know anything about Mich being pregnant, but if she is that doesn't give you any reason to come up here and beat the shit out of Brian." I said angrily.

"I warned him Val, Mandy doesn't deserve this shit, I am going to tell her." He walked to the door and I pulled him back.

"No you're not. Mandy is happy, she's with Carey right now. She doesn't need you storming down there to tell her something that might not even be true. You know how crazy Michelle can get better than anyone down there, so we're going to wait and talk to Brian, because that is the right thing to do."

Matt groaned. "You have got to be kidding me with this shit. Val, I know that you promised him that you would help him get her back, but look at how all of this is turning out, he doesn't deserve her, she needs to be happy."

"And you think that happiness is with Carey?! You saw how miserable she was when she had to let Brian go, I don't know what it is about her that makes her run in the opposite direction from Brian when things get tough, but she loves him and you know that's the truth."

He was about to contradict me, because that's what he's good at, when Zacky walked in with Gena.

"What the hell happened?" He asked lifting Brian up onto the couch.

"A misunderstanding. Can you guys take care of him, Matt and I need to talk about a few things. Please be discreet."

They nodded and I pulled Matt into Robin's room.

"I know that you love Mandy and only want what's best for her, but please think about this. When Mandy moved away from home, left everything behind, even Ali, who was it for?" I asked.

"Brian." He answered.

"And when she broke things off with Tal?"

"Brian." He said again.

"And when she left Carey the night after marrying him?"

"Brian." He said annoyed.

"It's always been Brian for her, that's the only reason that I am helping him, because I know true love when I see it." I said and he smiled.

"Oh, and how do you know that?" He asked pulling me closer to him.

I smiled. "Because I found mine." He kissed me and it was interrupted by a scream downstairs.

"Damn it Zacky." Matt hissed before rushing out the door.

We ran downstairs to see Mandy hovering over Brian. She looked up angrily at Matt.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She screamed.

Matt put his hands up defensively. "It's not what you think Mandy. Hear me out."

"No. Get the hell out of my house!" She screamed.

Matt tried to walk up to her. "I'm serious Matt! Get the hell out!"

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