30. All I Know Is I Don't Want This Night To End

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Mandy's POV

"Is this really happening?" Matt asked when we were alone again.

I smiled. "I guess it is."

"So when do you want to tell people?" I shrugged.

"I don't know. I didn't really want anyone to find out right away, Val and Brian are still really important to me."

"Well can I see you tonight? Just us?" He asked.

I sighed. "Matt that might not be the best idea."

He pulled me into him. "Come on. Jimmy and Leana will cover for us, just tonight." I gave in.

"Fine, but I'm driving." He laughed.

"Wouldn't have it any other way." We went inside and hung out with Jimmy and Leana for a while until Joel came and picked up the girls. He didn't really question why Matt was here which I greatly appreciated, but I still needed to talk to him and tell him about my dream.I finally decided to pull him aside.

"Jo? Can I talk to you for a sec?" He nodded and followed me outside.

"Everything alright?" He asked concerned.

"I had a dream about Alisha last night." I said quietly.

He leaned against one of the patio chairs."Oh yeah?"

I nodded. "I wasn't sure if I should tell you, I mean it doesn't make sense to me, but..."I wasn't exactly sure how to continue.

"But what?" He questioned.

"She said to tell you and I quote, tell Joel, I love him and that it's okay. It's time." I noticed a small smile on his face and then a tear fell. He didn't say anything, which prompted me to ask. "What did she mean?"

"I met someone, the other day at Robin's school and I wasn't sure how to handle it, I haven't told anyone about her, not even Benj."

I pulled him into a hug. "I'm really happy for you Joel, you deserve to be with someone again. I got your back, no matter what you decide to do. But it's Julia? Isn't it?"

He started laughing. "How the hell did you know?"

"I had a feeling."

Benji's POV

"Benj can you grab me a bottle please!" Alex yelled from upstairs, it was about 8 o' clock and Ben would be going to sleep soon. I had the urgency to just leave and not come back, but I couldn't do that to my kid, I wouldn't do what my dad did to me. I reluctantly walked upstairs and handed the bottle to Alex as she rocked the baby to sleep.

"Did you want to put him to bed tonight?" She asked, standing up ready to put him in my arms.I nodded and lied down with him. I watched Alex as she got ready for bed, taking her make up off, putting Ben's things away, taking out her contacts and putting her glasses on, turning on a lamp next to the couch in our room and sitting down with a book. Just these little things that she did every night. I didn't know why I continued to push her away, the life that I had was pretty much the definition of perfect, she loved me, she gave me a wonderful son, and in her eyes we were doing okay, but in mine we weren't, and it wasn't her, she hadn't done anything to hurt me, but I had done everything to hurt her.

"Alex?" I spoke softly, to not wake the baby.

"Yeah?" She looked up from her book.

"Nothing." I spoke ashamed. I wanted to be honest with her, to tell her everything that was going through my head, like I used to, but I couldn't.She didn't say anything else, just returned to her book. I grabbed my phone and text Tal. 'Meet me at Joel's.'

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