35. Brixton

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Mandy's POV

I pulled up to the kids school, with Robin and Nathan sitting in the backseat excited for the day, not realizing what had actually happened the night before.

"Okay, guys you ready?" They nodded excitedly and we walked into the school. After leaving them at the playground I made my way to the office to give instructions about Benji. Leana and Val thought that we were overreacting, Benji would never hurt the kids, but neither of them had actually lived through that Benji and hopefully they would never experience what we all did.

As I reached the front office, Julia, Robin's teacher stopped me. "Hey."

She smiled. "Hey, we haven't seen you around here lately, Joel and Spencer have usually been the ones dropping off the kids."

I nodded. "Yeah I've had my mornings pretty busy these past few weeks." I replied without getting into too much detail.

"Is there anything I can help you with, because that office is hectic this morning."

I looked inside and saw the line of people waiting at the front desk.

"Actually this is something you could probably handle since you have Nathan and Robin all day, right?"

She nodded.

"We had a bit of a family issue and I don't really want to divulge into the story, but out of concern for the kids safety, Benjamin Madden, Joel's twin brother, isn't allowed to pick up either of the kids. The only people that are allowed to be here for the kids are myself, Spencer, Matt, Tal, and Jimmy. You've met them all right?"

Her face flooded with concern. "I met Tal at parent night, I think I also met Jimmy, he's the really tall one that loves hugs right?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yes that would be Jimmy. Matt, or for identification purposes is Matthew Sanders. He is Nathan and Robin's uncle, covered in tattoos, hazel eyes, you can't miss him." I laughed at the thought of Matt running around the elementary school looking for Robin and Nate.

"What about Joel?" She asked.

"He's not going to be able to pick up the kids today, so that isn't something we need to worry about." I answered. I couldn't help but notice her face fall, as if she was disappointed that she wouldn't be seeing him today.

"I was actually thinking we could all have lunch together, me, Matt, Tal, Spencer, and maybe Joel, you know when this all dies down, that isn't weird is it?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Not at all. I would actually love that, I don't know very many people around here."

"Really? Are you not from around here?"

She shook her head. "Nope. This is my first year teaching in California, I'm originally from Texas."

"Oh wow. Well you will definitely have a blast with us. You have my numbe---"

No One's POV

Julia watched as Mandy fell to the ground. She immediately knelt next to her, trying to get her to come to, once Mandy was opening her eyes she tried to get up, but Julia wouldn't let her.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You fainted." Julia answered, her voice laced with concern.

Soon Matt was approaching them. "What happened?" He yelled in panic, not to anyone in particular, just to anyone who would answer.

Julia pulled him aside as the paramedics showed up.

"You must be Matt?" Julia said, but he wasn't paying attention to her, he just watched every move the paramedics made with Mandy.

"What's going on?" He asked again.

Julia turned him to her, breaking his gaze from Mandy.

"She fainted. The school nurse suggested we call an ambulance because she was out for a bit. How did you get here? Did someone call you?" Julia asked him.

He shook his head. "Robin forgot her lunch and when I knew Mandy was bringing the kids to school by herself I got worried. Benji isn't someone we can-" He stopped himself.

She shook her head. "No it's okay. Mandy managed to fill me in a little before all of this happened."

"Ms. Sawyer, can you hear me?" A paramedic asked Mandy. She was in and out and they had now moved her onto a stretcher.

Matt handed his phone to Julia. "Call Joel, Linzi, and Spencer. Please." Julia nodded and he went over to Mandy.

"What's going on?" He questioned the paramedics.

"Sir, we need you to back away please." They pushed him away from her, but he resisted.

"She's the love of my life, I'm not leaving her side." The paramedic gave in and let him go to Mandy.

"It's okay, Mands. I'm here." Julia watched as Matt stayed by Mandy's side and once she knew it was okay for her to walk away, that the situation was handled, she called Joel.

"Hey did you find Mands?" Joel said as soon as he answered the phone.

"Sorry, Joel? This is Julia, Robin's teacher."

"Hey Julia, what are you doing with Matt's phone?" He questioned.

She began to fill him in on what happened and told him that she had to call the others and would text him the hospital information.

"It's okay. I will let everyone know, I'm at Matt's house now."

They agreed to keep in touch and he hung up.

Julia walked over to Matt and handed him his phone.

"I hope you don't mind, but I saved my number in your phone. I would like to be there for you guys, if you don't mind."

He nodded and jumped into the ambulance, only letting go of Mandy's hand for a minute before he found it again.

Matt's POV

Once we pulled up to the hospital and I was given the paper work to fill out for Mandy everything became so clear. I couldn't be the one that she needed right now. I had to let Carey assume this role. He was the one that she had chosen to be with. I text him to meet me at the same hospital that we had been in so many other times.

While I waited for him to show up I filled out her paperwork and handed it to the nurse.

"Mr. Sanders?" She called.

I walked back over to her. "Yes?"

"Ms. Sawyer still hasn't agreed to the clinical trial, I was wondering if she mentioned anything to you?"

"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"Well at this stage of her type of Leukemia, I know the doctor hadn't suggested drastic measures, but after her collapse today, I just thought you would know..." Her words became jumbled and I wasn't sure if it was her or me, but her lips were moving and I couldn't hear anything but white noise. I couldn't feel the ground under me as I made my way to her. As hard as I tried to run faster, it seemed as if each step I took was slower. The hallway felt never ending. I finally was standing in front of her room and she was sitting up drinking water, while a nurse was checking her vitals.

I could feel the tears beginning to form as I looked at her.

"You know." She spoke softly, it wasn't a question, simply a statement.

I nodded and she held her hand out to me.

I shook my head. I didn't want to go to her, if I took her hand and felt her here physically, I would believe, I wouldn't have another choice.

"Matt." She said still holding her hand out for me.

"No. This isn't real." I shouted.

She tried to get up and come to me, but the nurse didn't let her. Soon the nurse had a hold of my hand and was guiding me to Mandy. Once my hand was in Mandy's I broke. I didn't care about being strong, which should have been my main priority, I fell into her and she held me tightly.

"I'm going to be okay Matt." She assured me, but I couldn't believe her. Mandy had cancer. She had fucking cancer and I couldn't protect her from it.

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