32. We used to believe in this love.

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Mandy's POV

I watched Matt drive off angry, I knew that I had gone too far, I honestly believed that I did love him I just wasn't sure that I was ready for a serious relationship with him. In the end I knew I was going to hurt him, so I made the best decision for both of us, at least that's what I thought, ending things sooner than later would hurt less.

Leana gestured for me to follow her inside.

"What's up?" I asked, sitting on the kitchen counter.

She leaned against the front door. "What's going on with you?"

"What do you mean?"

She sighed. "You know exactly what I mean. I just saw you and Matt so happy together and now all of a sudden you're back with Carey?"

I stayed quiet.

"Mandy. Seriously. What the hell is wrong with you? This isn't fair to either of them? And I thought that Carey was helping you with Matt?"

Realization spread across her face and I tried to stop her.

"It's not what you think."

"So you're not with Carey to make Matt jealous after he spent the morning with Val?" She questioned.

I shook my head. "Not at all. I am not jealous of Val."

"Well then explain to me what the hell you were thinking because I don't understand any of it."

"Leana I don't know what Matt is to me, I don't know how I really feel about him, all that I know is that the one person that has always been there and will always be there is Carey and we both deserve to give it another shot."

She rolled her eyes. "You have lost your fucking mind Mandy. You and Carey got divorced, every time something remotely difficult happens you two split up, how is that being there for you? How is that any type of stability? When Alisha died, who was by your side? When you were in the car accident who was there? Every single fucking time you have messed up Matt is the only person that still sticks up for you, I have seen firsthand how much he loves you by the way he fights for you. He argued with Brian until he was blue in the face to make sure that he would go back to you when you needed him, Brian didn't do that on his own. He has never made a selfish decision when it comes to you."

"Yeah you say all of that, but the love of his life, his great love is Val. It always has been, it always will be. The only reason they aren't together now isn't because of him, he didn't walk out on her, he didn't give up on his marriage, she did!" I yelled.

"Look Mandy, I was there when Matt fell in love with Val, I was there the day they got married, hell I was there the day they got divorced, and I can tell you that if Matt really wanted Val, if he really wanted to give his marriage another try and be with her he would have, his ass would have stayed in Italy. He wouldn't have come running to California when things were tough for the family, he would have focused on himself. So all that's left is for you to decide how you are going to deal with all this, because you have Carey checking out of a hotel, ready to come home to you and you have Matt sitting in a bar, waiting for you to show up and tell him that you made a mistake. Which path are you going to take?"

I didn't answer her. I wasn't sure what I wanted. Matt didn't give me stability the way that Carey did, and even if I gave our relationship a chance it would be way too complicated. I wasn't sure I could handle it all.

After a while of silence, Leana decided to go home and never mention the subject again, which I was thankful for. I didn't want anyone here when Carey showed up because I knew that they would make snide comments about the fact that I was with the wrong guy.

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