29. Just A Dream

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Mandy's POV

I woke up the next morning to a huge headache. "What the hell happened last night?" I questioned myself.

"You partied way too hard, as usual." I heard that familiar voice and I couldn't believe it.

I looked up to her handing me a glass of water and a bottle of pills.

"Ali?" I choked out, my eyes immediately filling with tears, the pain from my headache had completely vanished.

She smiled. "It's me."

I pulled into her a hug and she instantly wrapped her arms around me. I couldn't control the sobs and she started laughing.

"I can't believe you are crying, it's just me."

She tried to let go of me, but I held on tighter, afraid that she would disappear.

"Mands, you can let go, I'm not going anywhere." I let her go and she smiled at me.

"So what's going on?" She asked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Well there is a certain tattooed, hazel eyed boy asleep in his car outside right now and I'm guessing it isn't because he was too wasted to drive home." She smirked.

I got out of bed and looked out my window to see his Tahoe parked in front of the closed garage door.

"I don't know what to do Ali, tell me what to do, please." I begged.

She shook her head. "Nope. I am not going to tell you what to do. What I am going to tell you is that you need to think about all of these choices you have been making lately. Brian, Care, and Matt, are all great guys, and they don't deserve to be put through all of this shit you have been doing lately. You and Carey are divorced, Matt is divorced, Brian is going to be a dad now, none of these are actually great catches at the moment, but if you can see passed all of that for one of them then I think you know who you are truly meant to be with."

I sighed and she patted the spot next to her, I sat down and she put her arm around me.

"You will figure this out, I promise. And it might just be way sooner than you can imagine."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes. I know I had told you once that Carey was the right choice, but now that I see things differently I know that I was wrong. Don't let this sway you in any bit." She winked. "But not even I would sleep in my car overnight just to make sure you were okay after you were the one that pissed me off. My ass would go home and call you in the morning."

We laughed and I felt the tears beginning to spill out again.

She wiped them. "Hey, don't cry. I'm okay."

"Why did you leave me? Leave all of us." I asked her.

She sighed. "Believe me, I didn't want to, but it was just something that I had to do. Promise you will take care of my baby for me." I nodded and she stood up, walking to my door. "Oh and tell Joel, I love him and that it's okay. It's time."

I looked at her confused.

She smiled. "He'll know what I mean. I love you guys."

"Aunt Mandy!" I jumped up to Robin and Clementine jumping on my bed, screaming.

I looked around and tried to shake off the dream I had, it all seemed so real.

"Why is Uncle Matt asleep in his car?" Robin asked.

I immediately jumped out of bed, and looked out my window to see his Tahoe parked out front, just like in my dream.

"Where's daddy?" I asked Robin.

"He had to go to the studio today. He brought us over and told us not to wake you, but we got bored when Winx Club was over." I smiled at them and led them downstairs.

"Okay well I am going to put on a movie for you guys real quick and then I have to go talk to Uncle Matt, okay?" I asked.

They nodded and sat on the couch.

When they were all settled, I walked outside and tapped on the window. He woke up and I pointed to the swing by the front door. He nodded and got out, we sat down and stayed quiet for a few seconds, until I figured out what to say.

"So things haven't exactly been that great between us, we should talk about that. You're still my best friend and I don't want this tension between us."

"I don't want that either." He admitted. "I know that we both have a lot going on and I guess the problem isn't really you, there's just some things I need to work through."

"Are you working through them?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. I am. The problem isn't in my head. It's my heart. I keep too many things bottled up, but I decided not to do that anymore, the night that I told you I loved you and although that didn't work out the way that I wanted it too, I am still going to stand by that decision, when I see something that I want sitting in front of me, I'm going to fight for it, no matter what the consequences."

I blushed. "Oh. I didn't see this conversation going there, but okay." I never knew that he would put himself in this position again and I decided that I would tell him that I loved him too.

"I broke up with Casey because I love you and you can push me away if you want too, but I'm not going anywhere. I don't want to play these games anymore."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What games?"

He shook his head, not getting angry, more annoyed. "What's Carey doing here Mandy?"

I stayed quiet. We stayed that way for a few minutes, my thoughts drifting.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Just the day that I married Carey." I said carefully, not sure of his reaction.

He turned to look at me. "Why that?"

"When you walked me down the aisle..."


"You told the minister that you were giving me away, but you never really did, did you? I know it sounds bad, but you simply lent me to him and now I'm sitting here with you, not married to Carey, not with Brian, Tal is with Spencer and I find myself right here just with you, you're divorced and we are..." I stopped not sure how to continue.


I stopped him. "I screwed up that night that you told me you loved me, I should have said it back and I'm sorry for that but I'm saying it now. I love you Matt. Okay? I love you."

He smiled. "Well the saying is true isn't it?"

"What?" I asked confused.

"The people you know the best are the most capable of surprising you."

He pulled me into him and kissed me, with the same amount of love that he had that night in Waldorf, but this time I didn't push him away, I gave into the love that I hoped to never lose.

"Whoa! What did I just walk into?" Jimmy walked up covering his eyes. Leana was smiling from ear to ear next to him.

"Is it official?" She asked.

Me and Matt looked at each other and nodded.

She cheered and Jimmy made a grossed out face. "So am I going to have to get used to seeing you two all lovey dovey and being all mushy all the time now?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Deal with it Jimmy."

He smiled and opened the front door. "Fine. I guess I can deal with your happiness." He laughed and snuck inside. I heard the girls scream and then laughter erupted.

"So are you guys going to tell people right away?" Leana asked.

I shook my head. "I think we should probably wait and talk to Val and Brian first."

Matt agreed and she smiled pulling us into a hug. "I am just so happy for you guys!"

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