51. The Days Keep Coming Without Fail

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Brian's POV

I left Johnny's bar without having a single drink, I couldn't believe that Mandy was gone and I had to find out from a bartender who spent more time with Matt than any of the rest of us.

Of course, Matt.

I drove over to his place, but I couldn't bring myself to go in and talk to him, or confront him, it wasn't my place anymore and I didn't want to stir up old feuds.

I decided to just go home, sleep on it and figure out how to deal with all of this tomorrow.

When I got home, Michelle was sitting in the living room reading a book, the baby was sleeping on the couch next to her.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late." I kissed her and sat down next to her and the baby.

"It's fine. He just went down after his bath, I was just about to take him to his room. Val just left." She looked at me as if she was waiting for me to tell her something.  Val must've told her Mandy was gone.

"That was nice of her." I was waiting for her to just ask.

It didn't take long. "So Mandy's gone..."

"I heard." I answered simply, trying not to show any emotion.

"That doesn't bother you?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Why should it? She's moved on with her life and so have I."

"I don't know. No one thinks that she's coming back."

I sighed. "Mich, you're just trying to start a fight, and there's no reason for it, just because she moved doesn't mean she's not still dating my best friend."

"She broke up with Matt before she left."

I looked down and composed myself, I didn't want Michelle to see that it did make me happy that Mandy was no longer with Matt.

"Well, I'm sure they will find their way back to each other. Whatever happened it can't be that serious." I said.

She shook her head and picked up Brian. "Look, I know that you think that you are good at hiding your true feelings, but don't forget that I know you so well, I knew who you were before Mandy, and I know you now, you are never going to be able to have a normal relationship with her and I've accepted that. I think its about time that you do too."

She walked upstairs without another word. I sat on the couch and dialed Johnny's number. If I was going to get information out of anyone it was going to be him.

"I'm not telling you where she is." He said as soon as he answered the phone.

I smiled. "So you know?"

"No. I don't know. Only Joel does, but even if I did know I wouldn't tell you, don't you remember what happened last time you got information out of me." He spoke irritated.

I sighed. "Come on Johnny, I need to talk to her."

"So call her. She hasn't changed her number."

I realized that I wasn't going to get anything out of him, so I didn't bother anymore. I sent Mich a quick text that I was going out and it was something that she was already used to. We were being civil, I loved her, and we were doing what we thought was best for the baby, but I still wasn't sure we were going to make it.

I pulled up to Joel's house and the garage was open. I walked over and he was working on his truck.

"What's up?" I said turning the corner.

He shook his head. "I'm not telling you where she is."

I threw my hands up. "Whoa. I didn't even ask. Although I know she's in Florida."

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