49. I'm running out of places I can run...

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Joel's POV

"What do you mean you're leaving?" I questioned.

Mandy was in tears on the phone with me and I could tell she was on the road already from the noisy background.

"Mandy?" I asked again, when I didn't get a response.

The only words I could make out through her sobs were 'Orlando' 'Matt' 'Alisha' 'My fault' and 'Goodbye'.

As soon as she hung up the phone I turned to Julia.

"I have to go. I'll explain later."

I kissed her goodbye and ran over to Mandy's house.

Matt was sitting on the porch and I wasn't completely sure what came over me, but I picked him up by his shirt and pushed him against the wall.

"What the hell did you do?!" I yelled.

He didn't fight back. "I fucked up."

"What the hell did you do?!" I asked again and the longer it took him to answer me the angrier I got.

I felt someone pull me off of him. "Jo! Calm down!" I turned around to see Zacky.

"I'm not going to calm down. I just got off the phone with Mandy. She's on her way to God knows where in tears all because of this idiot!"

Zacky turned to Matt. "Shads, what did you do?"

"I'm not going to talk about this with you guys. I'm gonna go home and pack." When he turned his back to me, I pulled him back around and he swung at me.

I stumbled to the ground and when I tried to fight him back, I heard a cry and Zacky stood between us.

"Daddy!" Robin was running over to us and she was scared.

Julia was running after her, but Robin reached me and I picked her up, she tucked her head into my neck, hiding and I could feel her tears staining my shirt.

"This isn't over. We're going to talk." I spat at Matt.

I rubbed Robin's back and whispered in her ear to calm her down. "Hey. It's okay. Daddy is okay."

She looked up at me and rubbed her eyes, wiping away the tears.

"Why were you and Uncle Matt fighting?" She asked.

"Uncle Matt and I are fine. We just had a little disagreement, everything is going to be okay."

She didn't ask anything else. She went off to play with Jamie and Nathan.

Jimmy had just pulled up to the house.

"What's going on?" He questioned.

I gestured for him to follow me inside. We went up to the studio and I closed the door making sure to turn on the recording light so no one would interrupt us.

"Well?" He asked sitting in front of the controls.

"Mandy's gone."

"What do you mean she's gone?" He asked confused.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know what Matt did, but she called me in tears and from what I could understand she's leaving because of him and Ali and she's not coming back."

"Where is she going?"

I shook my head. "I'll let her tell you. I'm not sure if she wants anyone to know and I'm not going to be the one to spill the beans."

He immediately pulled out his phone and dialed her number. As I suspected she didn't answer. I knew he was going to try and go get an explanation out of Matt, but I stopped him.

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