Chapter 89

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Stephanie's POV

I feel Matt's arms slip around my waist from behind me, making me smile. I turn around in his arms and wrap mine around his neck as we continue dancing to the music. 

As the night goes on, the people get crazier. But in a good way. Everyone was just having a good time and enjoying everything. But the second alcohol gets mixed in with partying, it could either be good.. or bad.

"Bro, Taylor's in the bathroom puking." Aaron says, walking up to me and Matt. 

"Why, what happened?" Matt asks.

Aaron starts laughing, "Let's just say, that he chugged way too many beers." 

I look at Matt with a worried look and he looks at me the same way. We then make our way to the back of the club to the bathrooms and Matt walks right inside, but I stop. 

"You coming?" Matt asks, still holding the door open for me.

"I'm not going in the men's room!" 

"Oh c'mon, you're fine." He laughs.

I sigh, but then follow him in slowly. Luckily, no one else in here. Matt walks up to the stall that Taylor is in and slowly opens the door, "Are you alright, bro?" 

Taylor looks up at both of us and he just looks so sick and tired from all this puking. He then chuckles a bit, "Yeah I'm good."

"You sure? 'Cause I don't want you to get like alcohol poisoning or something." Matt says. It's so cute how he always worries for other people.

"I think I'm good." Taylor begins to stand up and Matt helps him. I have to back away from the stall because I could start to smell the puke and I didn't want to look at it, or else I might throw up. I stand over by the sinks and wait for them to come out of the stall. Once I hear the toilet flush, they come slowly walking over to me. 

Taylor turns on the sink and begins to wash his face up. While he does that, I turn towards Matt and smile at him. He gives me a smirk back and slips his fingers through mine, squeezing tight. 

We all eventually walk back out into the party and there's random bubbles flying all over the place. 

"Dude no way!" Matt yells and goes to catch one, but it pops. It honestly looks so cool with the blacklights because it made the bubbles look a blue/purple color in the dark. "Bubbles!" He yells again, which makes me laugh.

"I'm gonna go sit down." Taylor says, while holding his stomach.

"Hope you feel better!" I say and smile at him as he walks away. 

Matt drags me through the people and towards a quieter area, where it's not as crowded. He takes a seat on a couch and pulls me down with him. I sit on his lap and he wraps his arms around my waist while resting his head on my shoulder. He lightly kisses my neck right below my ear and then smiles. 

"Want me to get you a drink?" He whispers in my ear as he keeps leaving kisses on my neck.

"Sure." I smile, getting chills from his lips.

"Stay here." He smiles, then lifts me up off of him and sets me back down on the couch. I lean back, smiling as I watch him walk away. He always knows how to make my insides go crazy. 

Since I was alone, I figured it would be a good time to call Alexis. I get out my phone and dial her number.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey Lex!" I smile.

"Steph? Where's Matt?" She asks.

"Well, we're at this really cool party with highlighters and paint and stuff." I say, "He's getting us drinks right now."

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now