Chapter 52

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Stephanie's POV

My eyes burst open and my heart is beating a million miles an hour. I sit up and look around the room and then realize that I just had a nightmare. I look at the clock and see that it's 3 in the morning. I turn my head to the side and Matt was still sound asleep. So, I lay my head back down on my pillow and my heart continues to beat fast. 

I keep trying to fall back asleep, but I couldn't. I close my eyes and try to think of something good but it wasn't helping. I then hear my stomach growl and knew that there was no way I was gonna fall back asleep.

I lift the covers off of me and quietly sneak out of bed without Matt noticing. I open the door and walk down the hallway, down the stairs and into the kitchen to find something to eat. I open the fridge and search for a snack. I can't find anything, so I open the pantry and find bag of salt and vinegar chips. Yum. 

I sit down on a stool at the counter and eat the chips as I scroll through my phone. About 10 minutes go by and I'm still doing the exact same thing. I grab a chip and just as I'm about to put it in my mouth, I hear a noise. I then freeze and don't move a muscle. I hear it again and start to get scared. I slowly stand up and grab a knife from off the counter. It was only a butter knife, but I didn't care.

I begin walking down the hallway towards the front door in complete silence. I get to the two sets of stairs on each side of me and about flip out when I see somebody standing there. I scream and hold out the knife in front of me. I hear laughing and pull my eyebrows together as the person walks closer to me. 

"What the hell are you doing?!" I whisper loudly. "You scared the shit out of me!"

Matt stands there in front of me, trying not to laugh as hard as he wanted to. "I saw that you were gone and I came looking for you." He says, "Found you!"

"Oh my god." I say, "First I had a nightmare and second, I almost died because you scared me so bad!" 

Matt slowly takes the knife out of my hand and smiles. "Oh please. You didn't almost die." He laughs. "Now c'mon let's go back to bed." He smiles.

I finally smile and we walk back into the kitchen. Matt puts away the knife and I put away the bag of chips. I grab my phone off the counter and we make our way back to where we just were. Just before we step foot on the stairs, I grab Matt's arm and stop him. "Wait." I say and think of an idea.

"What?" He asks and looks at me.

"We should totally prank the guys." I say. "Like draw on their faces or something!"

Matt starts laughing and agrees. "I'll go get some sharpies." He runs up to his room, as I follow behind him. He hands me a couple sharpies and he takes some too. "Whose room first?" 

"Hmmm..." I think about it. "Carter's and Lily's." 

Matt smiles and shakes his head. "Good idea." He says, obviously knowing that I don't like Lily. We sneak out of his room and continue walking down the hallway to find their room. "I think it's this one." Matt whispers and slowly opens the door.

I follow him into the room and it was so dark, I could barely see Matt in front of me. He grabs my hand to guide me and we finally get to Carter's bed. "I'll do Carter, you do Lily." Matt whispers.

I nod my head and quietly make my way over to Lily's bed, shining the light on my phone to see where I was going. I kneel down to where her face is and dim the light on my phone all the way down, so it wasn't bright at all. I open the marker and start to draw a whole bunch of random shit on her face. It makes me laugh at how ridiculous she looks and I'm surprised that she didn't even move.

When I'm done, I walk back over to Matt and cover my mouth trying not to laugh at what he drew on Carter's face. He finishes up and we quickly, but quietly run out of their room. When we get into the hallway me and Matt burst out laughing and high five each other.

"Ok, who's next?" He asks, still laughing.

"You go in Taylor's room and I'll go in Cameron's." I say.

Matt nods his head, and then we go our seperate ways. I find Cameron's room and slowly walk in. Thank god there was a little light shining from his computer, so that I could actually see. I get closer to the bed, but see that Alexis is right next to him. They're all cuddled up, with Cam's arms wrapped around her and it was actually really cute. I sigh and decide that I wasn't gonna do it to them.

I walk out of Cam's room and don't see Matt anywhere, so I just figured I would go into the next room. I wasn't sure whose room this was, but I continue walking towards the bed. I was getting closer, then all of a sudden I see Nash awake on his phone. I quickly drop to the floor quietly and crawl to the edge of his bed so he couldn't see me. "Shit." I mouth to myself as I just sit there. 

I think of all the possible ways I could get out of this situation, but just continue to sit there. Should I just stand up and walk out? No, because he'll see me. Should I just say something to him? No, because he'll think I'm a freak for being in his room at 3 in the morning. Ugh just do something!

I quickly crawl back to the door and then stand up and open it. "Stephanie?" I hear. Of course, I knew this would happen. I slowly turn around and smile.

"Hi Nash." I say, awkwardly standing there. "Um, me and Matt were just pranking people so that's why I'm in here.."

"Oh." He says and laughs. "Alright then."

The door comes flying open and hits me right in the arm. "Ouch!" I say and then see Matt walk in. Nash sits up in bed and turns the light on next to him. 

"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry." Matt says to me, realizing he just slammed the door on me. He then starts laughing really hard and doesn't stop. Nash eventually stands up and walks over to us. He wasn't wearing a shirt, which made it hard not to stare. 

"What's going on?" Nash asks, and laughs at how hard Matt was laughing. 

"Taylor." Matt says, inbetween laughs. "He woke up as I was drawing on him." 

"What did he do?" I ask.

"He flipped out. But I left the room before he turned the light on, so he didn't know it was me." Matt says. 

"Oh my god." I laugh, "That's so funny."

"I know right." Matt says, finally catching his breath. "Sorry we woke you up bro!" He says to Nash.

"Nah it's all good." Nash says, "I was already awake."

"Okay good." Matt laughs. 

"Um, we should probably go back to bed now.." I say, realizing that it was now almost 4.

"Yeah." Nash says, "I'll see you guys later."

"Bye Nash." I say and smile, as me and Matt walk out of his room. We decide not to prank anymore because we were getting tired, so we just went back into my room. I crawl back into bed and Matt does as well. I close my eyes and within minutes, I fall asleep.

Morning eventually rolled around and the sun shined bright through my windows. I squinted my eyes and covered them with the comforter. I was still so tired...


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