Chapter 79

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SO SORRY FOR THE LATE UPDATE I'VE BEEN SUPER BUSY WITH SCHOOL AND I HAVEN'T HAD ANY TIME :( sooo i'm still second guessing whether or not I should make a sequel to this.. i really have no clue. SO COMMENT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK I SHOULD DO!! (now enjoy that adorable gif of Matt.)

Stephanie's POV

I reach for Matt's hand as I stand up and pull him with me as I begin walking. He interlocks his fingers with mine and grips tighter, pulling me closer to him while we walk. I honestly don't even know where we're going, but hopefully we'll end up somewhere.

"Sorry about getting pissed back there." Matt starts the conversation.

"It's okay." I shrug and continue walking down a dirt path.

"Tomorrow will be more fun."

"What's tomorrow?"

"I'm gonna show you around LA. And we won't get lost, I promise." He pulls my hand back and stops walking, making me face him. "I'm really glad you're here." He smiles. 

"Me too." I blush.

He leans in and leaves a soft kiss on my lips, then slowly pulls away. "Love you." He whispers.

"Love you too." I giggle and start walking again, dragging him along with me.

We walk around for a good hour before we actually find a decent place to sit. We're still in the middle of nowhere with nothing but trees and dirt roads surrounding us, but it doesn't really bother us since we know that Nash will pick us up soon. Hopefully. 

"I feel like climbing a tree." Matt says and looks around, searching for the perfect tree to climb. He finally walks over to one and jumps up to grab onto the branch with his hands, pulling himself up. He stands up on the branch and continues to climb further up.

"Careful!" I yell up to him. I decide to just stand on the ground because I wasn't really in the mood to get hurt right now. 

He eventually stops at a certain branch and sits down on it, letting his feet hang in the air as he stares down at me. "Come on up!" He yells.

"You're gonna fall!" I yell and shield my eyes from the sun that's setting in the sky, making everything an orange color. 

"If I fall, I'll have you to catch me." Matt shrugs and continues to stare down at me. 

"I won't be able to catch you!" I laugh. I can just picture me stumbling to the ground if Matt ever fell on top of me. That wouldn't be good.. "Aren't you afraid?" I ask.

"Afraid of what? Falling?" He asks and I nod my head yes. He shrugs and looks out at the sunset, "No, not really." 

"It's a long and hard fall." I laugh again, looking at the distance from where he is to the ground. 

"Yeah, but I'm willing to suffer through it." He smirks, looking back down at me and that's when I realize that he's not actually talking about falling physically. He's talking about us. "But I already fell for you awhile ago." He laughs.

"Matt, please come down." I say, hoping that he'll listen to me. 

"Not until you come up here." He forces and I sigh, "C'mon babe, it's an amazing view." 

After a few minutes of arguing back and forth, I finally decide to climb up there. But very carefully. When I get closer to Matt, he reaches his hand out for me and helps me up onto the branch he's sitting on. I sit down next to him, letting my feet hang in the air. Matt wraps his arm around my waist and holds me tight, just to make sure I don't lose my balance and fall off.

"Look at the sunset." He says, pointing his finger out at the pinkish/orange sky. I smile and lean my head against his shoulder.

"And just to think this is only the first day since I've been here." I say and slowly breathe out, thinking of all the fun times me and Matt will have in this gorgeous city. 

All of a sudden, Matt's phone starts ringing and he quickly grabs it out of his pocket to answer it. "Hello?" He says.

"Yeah, um. I have no idea where we are actually." He nervously laughs. I'm not quite sure who he's talking to, but I'm guessing it's either Cameron or Nash. He starts to name some of the streets we went down before we got lost. "Then we turned right down a random dirt road." He says. 

He nods his head, and smiles. "Okay sweet, see you soon." He says, ending the call and turning towards me. "Nash is gonna pick us up." He smiles and quick kisses me on the cheek.

"So you mean, we're not gonna die?!" I laugh, referring to what Matt was saying earlier. 

"Very funny." He rolls his eyes, but then laughs. 

We both climb down the tree safely and begin walking back towards the spot where the car got stuck. Once we pass by the car, Matt has to stop and take one last look at it. The sun already set, so the sky is dark making it hard to see. The only light we really have is the moon. 

Since the car has been sitting in the mud for a few hours now, it sunk a little deeper than before. All of the wheels were totally covered and there was no way to get it out unless we had a special crane machine or something. We would never be able to do it on our own. We continue walking down the road, and eventually we see a car pulling up. 

Nash stops the car and we both quickly climb into the backseat since it was starting to get a little chilly out. 

"Thanks so much bro." Matt says and grabs my hand, holding it in his lap. 

"No problem." He laughs and turns the car around to start heading back to the highway. "That car was junk anyways." He jokes. That car was the total opposite of junk, but we both laugh anyways. 

Nash doesn't really ask any questions of how we ended up there, which we're glad. We didn't feel like talking about it, we were just exhausted and wanted to sleep. And that's exactly what we did. I layed my head on Matt and we both fell asleep in the backseat of Nash's car as he took us back home. 

What a night.


(Once again I'm so sorry for the late update. I'll try really hard to update more often I promise! Also, I have a new fanfic about Harry Styles if any of you guys are interested. It's called Starstruck and I have a couple chapters up so far, so if you read it it would really mean a lot to me!!)

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now